22m. Whenever i sit in groups of friends or new people who i think i’m vibing with it starts very well. But sooner or later they start roasting me which is okay. But that roast goes around as if i’m an idiot or stupid person. I topped my batch and im good in studies yet it always end up as if I’m the stupid one. I try to give them my all understanding, i see what people’s weaknesses are and try not to comment on them so that i don’t become the bad person but always its me who ends up getting scrutinized. I’m good in studies and love to teach people around me with the knowledge i have but yet it ends up me being the clown even when i don’t do anything as such. What do i do to move ahead from this feeling? I feel very bad this way and feel like i don’t know anything. I have tried socializing and changing groups but its not helping.

1 comment
  1. Sometimes the only thing to do is not think about it because there isn’t anything you can do to change what already happened in the past, but you can start using your ability to study well in the same way with your social skills. Make notes of your social experiences with other people and note where you are lacking socially so you can work on it. I personally journal my social experiences when I fail so I can learn from them and try something different next time and more often then not I’m always 1 percent better at socializing then before. So just keep practicing and don’t be afraid if people think you are dumb, cause the truth is when you haven’t got good social skills, but you’re really book smart you can come off as dumb cause you don’t know how to talk in a way that screams confident yet. Listen just like studying, building your social skills takes time too and a lot of patience. Embrace failing cause it’s part of the process.

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