What is your most specialized go-to order at a fast food restaurant?

  1. I just order the simplest thing possible in hopes that it won’t get screwed up.

    It still gets screwed up.

  2. I’ll only do this if it’s absolutely dead inside the store and I’m not going to be holding up the assembly line, but a burger that’s fresh off the grill instead of one that’s been sitting in the warming tray for an hour.

  3. I had an burger named after me. It had fries and onion rings and some other stuff in it. I wanted to have the sides, but couldn’t eat them while driving or walking, so I asked the cashier to stuff everything between the buns. I was an regular, so they put the thing on the menu with my name on it. It was an hit for a summer

  4. Boneless wings n things, wings in nuclear, fingers in hot honey mustard. Extra Zax sauce.

  5. The only fast food order I can think of that I customize is at Jimmy John’s. Club lulu, extra turkey, light lettuce, light mayo, no tomatoe, add onion, add cucumber, add Grey poupon.

  6. Well, if you’re karma farming – I guess you picked a good topic.

    Two all beef patties, lettuce cheese, onions on a sesame seed bun. Keep the fucking special sauce and pickles to yourself.

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