Woman to woman, what do you pack/keep with you when you suspect or plan on an over night stay with new partner?

  1. I have my toiletry kit. I’ve decanted my skincare into lipgloss tubes I bought so it’s extra small and tidy. I pack condoms, lube, vibrator, change of underwear, eye mask, meds, benadryl to help me sleep and next day clothes.

  2. With a new partner? Two sets of underwear, clothes for the next day, two towels (I’m allergic to some laundry detergent), the sexy lingerie, toothbrush/paste, panty liners, hair tie, condoms, phone and charger, shampoo.

  3. Brush, makeup kit, travel sized toothbrush and paste, deodorant, extra underwear, lingerie and fun toys just in case he’s into kinky stuff and various assortments of condoms in case he has a preference.

  4. Same stuff I would take to any overnight stay at a hotel or whatever: clothes to change into, extra underwear, cosmetics, hygiene stuff (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, comb/brush), menstrual cup if near my period, etc.

  5. I just take my deodorant, meds and extra undies. All the men I’ve dated usually had some spare toothbrush, and I take a shower with a partner’s shower gel

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