How do you handle rejection in dating and friendships?

  1. Stop letting rejection effect you ego and self esteem. Learn humility, practice mindfulness, and acquire emotional intelligence. The more you practice these things the easier it becomes.

  2. Rejection can feel bad for everyone. It feels worst if you were actually invested, had some expectations that went unmet, and end up feeling disappointed. Just sit with the feelings, and then do other things that cheers you up.

  3. Rejection is not personal. Don’t take it personally. Also, not everyone is going to like you. You could be the sweetest, juiciest peach on the planet and there are people who just don’t like peaches.

  4. Honestly, I don’t really care. I know myself well enough to know that if they don’t like me, it’s a preference on their side. I like me, and not everyone else is going to. I’m not going to waste my time and energy why. I have my people, if others don’t want to be part of that fair enough

  5. Realising that ultimately the only person we can honestly truly rely on is ourselves. This is a hard and unpleasant thing to learn but it’s the truth. Yes we can build support networks and have best friends and partners and great family members but many people will come and go. Learning to meet our own needs first and foremost is so important.

  6. By always reminding myself i rather them be honest and its going to hurt a bit for now, because they could have led you on,which would could cause more hurt

  7. My mantra is, rejection is protection. If someone doesn’t want to be in your life then they shouldn’t be. Rejection leaves space for people who actually want you and want to be in your life.

  8. I’ve been rejected in both at times, but I realize I have a strong personality and not everyone is going to like it. So, I just continue enjoying my life!

  9. Now I handle it pretty good because I keep my options open. It hurts, yes, but I just ignore it and move on.

  10. Move on, can’t control anything or anyone except my own reactions and behaviors. If I get rejected I don’t ever want to the person who’s crying, chasing, begging, making a big deal, etc.

    If it’s a rejection that happens to feel harder or if it is one that truly hurts my feelings, then I just take some extra time to be kind to myself.

  11. Don’t see it as rejection. I see it as a connection that wasn’t meant to be anything more.

  12. Practice gratitude ie be thankful for the opportunity. Realizing it was out of my control, and that the rejection can lead me to better relationships, platonic or romantic. I am not meant to be liked or wanted by everyone. Every rejection is an opportunity to allow me to learn something about myself and what I do want and don’t want in others.

  13. I mean we all know it can happen. I tend to shrug it off, because it’s not like my city is running out of people.

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