Something doesn’t feel right about this relationship and I don’t know if it just me but here’s how I feel.

The affection isn’t where it use to be, I’m constantly the one initiating sex.. I don’t feel like he is in to me like he use to be but he is always the one asking to hang out and do stuff so it throws me off because I see that as him still making an effort… if he wasn’t interested then he probably wouldn’t be asking..

When we do hang out lately he is always falling asleep on me.. I’ve brought it up and he says he’s been feeling off.

I don’t know where to draw the line or how to exactly bring this up. I’m confused on where we stand …we’ve been dating 9 months and are exclusive but no official titles have ever been brought up or discussed … I don’t feel like there is much of a connection… and I don’t know what I can do to try and strengthen that… if it’s not happening naturally and I’m feeling this way what’s the best way to address this?

do I keep dragging this out and continue to go with the flow or do I just end things.. how do I know if ending things is the right choice.

  1. I’ll just say this. I have a lot more years on the planet and things never went better when I ignored my gut. But. I hope you have at least talked about this. It’s still a really new relationship and it seems too soon to feel this unwanted. Sex matters. So. Sit down for a talk. Say…It’s been 9 months and I really care about you. I’m getting the feeling that you aren’t very interested in me sexually. It’s important to me that I feel desired and I’m not really feeling that way. Then listen.

  2. You sound very passive in your relationship. You say no titles have been brought up… if that’s something you want, why haven’t you brought that up? Why is it only on him to define the relationship? Tell him what you’re feeling and what you want. And if he’s not on the same page or can’t give you what you want/need, then maybe he’s not the one for you.

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