Every Saturday, I go to the library because every weekend I like to read books in the morning, and then buy groceries afterwards. I walked into one of the history isles because I enjoy reading history and what do you know, I saw her sitting on the floor reading a book. Normally the library is empty in the morning so I approached her and said it’s a coincidence that we met each other and I said I enjoy reading books on the weekends. We talked for a little bit and then I left to checkout an autobiography of a WW2 survivor. Afterwards I needed gas so I stopped at a gas station around 15 minutes away and filled up my tank. It took a total around 30 minutes because of a line. Then I went to the grocery store nearby. As I was leaving, I saw her coming into the grocery store. Now I was thinking “what a coincidence it’s a second time meeting someone here”. We started talking for a little bit and she said she normally buys groceries too on the weekends. In my mind, I thought it was kind of strange how someone would drive 15 minutes away from the library to get groceries when there might’ve been some place closer for her. Regardless, I said my goodbyes and left.

Afterwards, I met up with some friends and went snowboarding, it’s around an hr drive near us. After snowboarding for 5 hrs, we drove back from the ski resort to a nearby Italian restaurant. As we were walking in, guess who I saw? The same coworker with a group of her friends in front of us waiting for a table.

At this point I thought this was too weird and I approached and asked if you’re following us. She said “No and in fact she assumed I was stalking her”. I said we went to snowboarding and they said they just came from knitting sweaters at someone’s house. We parted ways and she said we’ll meet me at work

I could just be paranoid but I realized this whole time I had my Snapchat and Instagram location shared on and we’re friends online

Maybe I’m reading too much into this but could she be following me?

TLDR; I saw my coworker 3 times today and each time was weirder and she could be following me with my location sharing turned on

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