What states do you think should be split into two or more states?

  1. I mean North and South Dakota could become East and West instead. I still like keeping the total at an even 50.

  2. Divide California in 4, Texas in 3, and New York and Florida in two. That’s 57 states, so to get an even 60 let’s add DC, Puerto Rico and Guam.

  3. Every state should be split into its component counties, parishes, and boroughs. That should come out to 3,143 states. The new flag design will be beyond insane and the senate will be a clown car on a slab.

  4. You could easily split off Chicago from Illinois, only the politicians would give a shit.

  5. Florida should be south and north. Or Florida and the state of Miami which would encompass everything from West Palm to the Keys.

  6. Oklahoma. It’s current existence is a treaty violation.

    Split it into Oklahoma and Sequoyah.

  7. Definitely Cali. North California and Southern California, then add like Puerto Rico or Guam or something to keep it an even number

  8. California has been a state that’s been the topic of splitting up. Texas, too. I’m surprised Alaska hasn’t, with its huge size.

  9. Split virginia three ways. South, North and East Virginia to have 4 different Virginias along with West!

  10. Northern and Southern New Mexico could be divide right at Albuquerque, the two are so different. Southern New Mexico is a lot of desert, while Nothern NM is more high desert.

  11. Washington. The Cascade mountain range divides the state into two entirely different climates and cultures.

  12. Pennsylvania. People don’t realize how big it is. It can take almost 6 hours to drive from Philly to Pittsburgh. And everything in between those is basically Alabama.

    Pennsylvania is the size of England.

  13. Definitely the Dakotas. NE, NW, SE, SW Dakota.

    Edit: actually, I would also like one Middle Dakota.

  14. I’d probably make NYC it’s own state. The NYC metro area has a GDP the size of all of Canada. The population there is so much more diverse than the rest of the state. It would bring down the total tax burden of NYC residents. It would give the rest of the state a chance to actually be heard in their government. I could go on.

    You’d probably have to throw in the rest of Long Island to NYC just for logistical reasons.

  15. Upstate New York from New York City and long island.

    A real legit argument is made every year on the subject as the city houses as many people in upstate. Upstate New Yorkers would love to see it happen.

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