If you worked at an nfl teams practice facility and someone from an opposing team came up to you and offered you $10,000 to set up spy cams to record practices what is your reaction?

  1. Take the 10k and report them for attempting to cheat. Tell the police they only paid me half and pocket the rest.

  2. 10K doesn’t sound like enough money to risk my job. I’d say no and immediately tell my manager.

  3. You want me to deflate the game balls too Tom? I thought you were hanging it up for good?

  4. Take the money, the immediately report them to the league.

    Don’t screw over my team, and get an easy 10K.

  5. I would laugh at them, and then I would report them to administration which would report them to the league office. Integrity of my career is more important than 10K.

  6. Well I’d love to say no, but in this economy…

    I wouldn’t settle for 10k though. This is a teachable moment.

    Them: “So… I’ve got a proposition for you.”

    Me: “Okay.”

    Them: “We really want to win the big one and if we knew more about the opposing team, our chances would go up.”

    Me: “Okay, so…”

    Them: “So I want you to set up some cameras, and get the footage back to me. It would mean a good amount of money for you.”

    Me: “How much are we talking?”

    Them: “Oh say… 10 thousand dollars?”

    Me: *Thinks about the fact that I could pay off some debt with the money, but then thinks about what I could do with more money.”*

    Them: “So what do you say?”

    Me: “That’s a lot of money, but… I’m going to need more.”

    Them: “But that’s 10,000 dollars!”

    Me: “Yeah it is and this is a very VERY money rich environment. I know what players get paid. So tell me this… just how badly do you want that footage? How badly do you want to win? 10,000, that’s a drop in the bucket for you. I’m just here to have a job, because I need a job, and I’m not terribly interested in sports, but I am interested in money and I know that athletes get paid LOTS of it.”

    Them: “20,000?”

    Me: “Not a chance. I’m not doing it for less than 100 grand.”

    Them: “You’re out of your fucking mind!”

    Me: “Yeah but I’m not stupid. By the way… how do you feel about the atmosphere and state of America right now?”

    Them: “What do you mean?”

    Me: “What I mean is is that these days, allegations are all it takes to get someone like you in VERY hot fucking water.”

    Them: *The effect of my words begin to appear on the face of this person. They know I’m not fucking around and that the ball is now in MY court.*

    Me: “You can easily survive without the 100K. Me? All I want is to pay some debt off and have a better quality of life. I can’t afford dignity in this economy, especially not when an opportunity like this presents itself. If someone wants to cheat and wants to get me involved, then it’s going to come at a hefty cost. So either the 100K right now OR I go to the press. Is your career worth it? How about YOUR dignity? Because that’s what I’m buying to keep intact.”

    After that, I’m either dead or 100K richer. I wouldn’t mind either outcome as long as the first is fairly quick.

  7. Talk to him about it and find out who he is. How do we know he is from an opposing team and not a internal mole looking for weak employees? (10k to undertake criminal corporate espionage is laughable.). Why would he target me ?

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