How do you guys maintain relationships/contact with freinds?

  1. Texting, talking, gaming together. It’s not hard but it does require effort on everyone’s part.

  2. Every once in a while one of us sends a message in our friend group chat, “I’ll be at (bar/restaurant) at (day/time) if anyone is free.”

    It’s usually me.

    I don’t bother reading replies. They’ll go from in to out back to in back to out … I show up when and where I said and hang out with whomever comes.

  3. Oh, I have a great friend since high school. Let’s see… last time I called him was … … … 9 years ago?

  4. Mostly let people engage me at their own pace. People are busy and I’ve never been anyone’s first choice, so I’d rather be seen as distant than annoying.

  5. It’s hard as I’m the one who always has to make the contact. It’s gotten old. I left a message for one friend 4 days ago and have yet gotten a phone call back.

  6. Monthly catch up, it’s either a restaurant, some event, or at someone’s house playing games and takeaway.

    At 36 I only really have 3 main friends, I don’t tend to count the guys at work as friends, although we will also have nights out etc..

  7. I have group chats with my bestfriends, but the close friends I do my best to text or have some sort of interaction on social media. It’s dwindled down over the years, but it happens.. life goes on and you’ll have your people.

  8. I left my friends. We all did drugs and stupid shit. I wanted to grow up. And they didn’t. Most of them are in jail or work a job that pays 11 dollars an hour and live with their parents.

    So I didn’t maintain a relationship. I’d like to have friends now but it’s hard to find them. So my wife is my best friend and I’m OK with that. She is fun to be around so it works

  9. Online…and around the same hobby so even if your friends can’t make it atleast you still got a hobby. We got a movie night on discord every monday where we all get together and we still play video games often. Been close friends for over 10+ years and were in 30s now

  10. Reach out to the important ones when we haven’t chatted or seen each other in a bit, and otherwise just try to do stuff together.

  11. I have friends from various stages in my life (school, university, volunteer work…). I realized that the ones I don’t see in my everyday life or in groups started to slip away. Being busy myself, I had a hard time seeing them individually.

    Last year I started a dinner club where I invite them all to my home for a dinner party on a monthly basis. It works great and it’s a pleasure to see them get along cross group.

    As most of us are students, I ask them for their share in groceries or do it as a potluck. Last Saturday we were the most I’ve ever been. Borrowed a few chairs and tableware. It was a huge success!

  12. I have dinner with my best mate every Saturday, we catch up on each other’s projects and usually have a game of poker. His mrs is also an old mate from school, so it’s two for the price of one.

  13. Regular check-ins. If they don’t send one out, you send one out.

    If you forget to reply because you got a check-in message at an inconvenient time (driving, asleep, at work, etc), message back anyway and apologize.

    Be consistent. The whole “i doN’t sEE THeM rEacHiNg oUT to ME” mentality is toxic as fuck and needs to die in a fire. Be the person you want others to be.

  14. Discord has been a HUGE help with this for our group. We’re all spread out but it gives us a communal social space that’s just for us to joke, celebrate, gripe, set up online gaming, etc.

    We even do a monthly event called Bring Your Hobby night where we all just get on cam and do our own thing. Last time we had someone painting minis, building lego, building a mechanical keyboard, someone did a gundam, etc. Not only does that give us a chance to just chit cat it helps us all set time aside for our hobbies that might not happen with general life stuff.

  15. Be proactive, text people occasionally to ask how they are, ask to hangout whenever possible and don’t flake. Flaking on people(no matter the reason, sorry) is the fastest way to tank relationships.

  16. Group chats with those who are out of state. And we all have very similar interests. We do lots of camping, rock climbing, beer brewing, and board games together.

  17. I have a fairly active friend group and we often have larger social gatherings where we all meet up. It isn’t a big deal if you miss one because there will be something else in a couple weeks.

  18. Phone call, FaceTime and WhatsApp groups for friends who live in different cities/countries. I usually catch with my friends once a fortnight who live in my city.

  19. Discord, my friends are spread out across the country.

    However, it’s always a 2 way street, and everyone’s lives get a bit busy/dramatic that makes hanging out difficult. . Sometimes we make plans to meet up, sometimes all we can do is watch a movie on discord. Life goes on.

  20. As I’ve gotten older my friends have all drifted apart due to life just… happening.

    I’m okay woth the peace though. I make new friends with the events I attend and trips I take.

  21. Have group chats on snap & messenger. Try to get games here & there we can play together. See a movie together we’re all interested in. Go out for food & drinks once in a while.

    For close friends, we have a yearly camping trip, started a DnD campaign that we try to have one or two sessions of a month.

    We’re all busy doing different things since our ages range 27-33. Gets harder as the years go on but if we at least try a little, you can maintain those relationships.

  22. I find events similar to how we met and invite them out and before you know it’s like we met all over again.

  23. I just see them when I see them I live stares away now though so one of us will call every couple months or so just to catch up

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