Hello reddit…..I’m a 26F and I think I’ve finally hit my limit on being able to use dating apps.

I’ve met some amazing (and not-so-amazing) men off apps the past 3 years. I only date using apps. It’s easy, quick, and I’ve found moderate success getting dates on them. Not success getting long lasting relationships though.

Recently I was rejected by a 27M after a really fun (albeit short lived) fling. Said he couldn’t make time for me, wasn’t ready to commit, didn’t want to leave me hanging. I appreciate his honesty and the fact that he didn’t leave me hanging – but damn rejection sucks. I felt a connection with him, and I tend to over-invest in all relationships in general, so this rejection feels like a huge gut punch, even though I barely knew him in the grand scheme of things. I think the rejection was a trigger for other emotions I’ve been feeling regarding dating in general.

I’ve found myself encountering the same issues too with potential partners on apps. I recognize that I play a part in these dynamics too (I am in therapy working out my complex feelings about dating) – but I’ve also found that a common denominator is all these guys are from the internet….and maybe that is playing a bigger role than I thought?

I’m not trying to make any sweeping generalizations about apps being bad (I think they could work), but they aren’t working for *me* anymore. I think after I heal from this recent rejection and feel ready to date again, I’m going to try IRL dating (scary!!!!! Lol)

Any advice on where to meet nice/interesting men to date in the wild when I’m feeling ready? I’m in Chicago!

I’m also curious how one even approaches someone in public……..I’m pretty extraverted, but this type of dating is new to me, any feedback/advice/soothing words are appreciated 🙂

1 comment
  1. I too got sick of apps and am trying to find where people meet that doesn’t break the bank…. so far no luck.

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