Hi men question for you: We met years ago and while we have never put a label on anything. However, it was always him coming over to mine and us doing the deed – then going home.

We lost touch for over a year, and he recently reached out to me asking about how I was. I replied and it was the same positive energy as before.

Now we have been seeing each other more regularly, and I kind of like the dude and feel so comfortable with him (kind, smart, hot, funny). Outside of date planning we do not text much. BUT last time after hanging out, he asked if I am dating apps, I was – and he is not.

I am nervous to ask about where we stand and if he would be open to making our relationship more serious – exclusive, date?

Reddit, how can I pose the question or is this a a natural progression of our relationship?

  1. “Hey, what are we doing? I like you a lot, I feel comfortable with you. I find you kind, smart, hot, funny and I’d like us to be more than just FWB”


  2. compliment him, ask him about how he’s doing, show him you’re a caring person, etc…Basically you have to come across/standout as relationship material but not too needy or direct

  3. I kind of like you and feel so comfortable with you (kind, smart, hot, funny)….. How would you feel about going out sometime?

  4. Be direct and open. Ask him straight.

    Ninety-nine percent of relationship questions on this sub will be answered by just asking directly and honestly. We are not typically subtle creatures.

  5. Unlikely

    If it’s only an FWB situation it means he already doesn’t see you as relationship material

  6. Let him know that you appreciate him and the friendship that the two of you have. Then be straight forward and honest. It will all work out!

  7. Be direct. We guys – mostly – don’t see or understand hints or anything. At least for me the direct way is always the best.

  8. Before you try to do this, think for a second about what you just described. You don’t talk much outside of marking dates (which I figure means sex), you’ve been fwb for a while. First thing is that there’s a thing that happens in your brain that makes it so you feel closer than you really are to a person when yoi have sex with them. Second, how sure are you that you know him outside of these moments? If after you ponder about this you still think you like him, ask him to hang out without sex, say you just want to unwind with a mate, chill and talk for a while. Try to make a bit more conversation and se how he reacts in an environment where sex is guaranteed to not be there. If he not only still seems like bf material to you, but also seems to still be interested in spending time with you then you open up, say that you like him and whatnot. Just keep in mind it will always be a gamble, no matter how likely the odds are.

  9. Ask him the good ol “what are we?”, never be nervous about going after what you want. Best of luck!

  10. Just be honest, and ask if he might be interested in making it more of a relationship. However, you also want to be prepared for him to turn you down if he doesn’t feel the same way. He may also end the FWB situation if he thinks you’re catching feelings and things are going to start getting complicated.

    Good luck!

  11. Hey, I really like you, and I want this to head toward something more serious. Do you feel the same?

  12. The next logical step is to ask your FWB if they’re interested in something more, or not. There is no “natural progression” in a true FWB – you’re fuck buddies that are friendly with each other, it’s not “step 1” in a relationship unless you both agree it is.

  13. All you can do is ask straight forward and see what the answer is. There’s nothing you can do besides that. Be honest with your intentions and let him be honest with his as well.

  14. Be honest and upfront with him. But don’t get awkward if he doesn’t respond like you hope.

    He may not see you as romantic option.

  15. Direct. The clearer you are about your intentions, the less wiggle room he has to reinterpret things. His intention is irrelevant.

    Under your specific history, you need to quash any thought of FWB he may or may not be harboring.

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