Recently talking to some friends and they said that sometimes when they’re a bit drunk they start to feel lonely/down and this is something new to them and they don’t feel this way sober

How do you feel when you’re drunk? Has ageing changed how you feel?

  1. I feel the same, just a lot less coordinated. Friends say I’m still the same person as well.

  2. Alcohol is a depressant. When you’re younger you tend to drink in loud packed bars and parties so you don’t notice it so much.

  3. I just get way more tired, because I have much less energy in general (job, kids and house already takes all energy away). And usually I think much more about how I feel the next day and that it’s a really bad idea to trink more (which I usually do anyways on the rare times I’m having a drink with good friends).

    Being hungover with a three year old child at home, needing to do a lot of things is so much worse than being hungover in the 20s where you had absolutely nothing to do and no commitments except maybe going to the club again that night.

  4. More vocal, a bit more smiling are the only things (and I was glad I was walking the bike instead of riding it). The rest nothing changes for me. I remember everything and I can still think clearly

  5. That lonely/down feeling is a result of alcohol beinga a depressant that can act to lower mood. In a sense, it is more pilelg to deepen existing feelings than create new ones however, so those emotions may be there, unchecked and unfaced, and alcohol is making them stronger and more noticeable.
    Lessons here: Don’t drink when you’re down. Talk to your mates. And if they share these feelings, plan something to do that doesn’t involve alcohol to help them unwind in a different way.

  6. For me alcohol always makes me more of whatever emotional I’m feeling, if I’m in a good mood then it is great but in a bad mood it can get even worse, so aging has just made me more careful when I choose to drink and who I drink with.

  7. Depends. If I get drunk, I become outgoing and extroverted, which is a complete opposite of me when sober. I talk to people I do not know and become friends with them. On the other hand, if I’m alone, I become extremely depressed or anxious, which is why I never drink alone anymore

  8. Alcohol has always had a negative side for me. It typically comes from how quickly I drink. If I drink strong drinks like shot very quickly I’ll get a super euphoric rush followed by a dark, depressed feeling like 15 min later. If I just do a slow drip of beer though it’s much more chill and I don’t get the depressed feeling that often. That’s why I don’t really touch hard liquor or wine anymore. I just sip lots of weak beer for long periods. Basically the German way of drinking.

  9. I had a drinking problem for a brief period, going through my first ever breakup, and I’ve been just not drinking much anymore. I just don’t enjoy it like I used to, and nothing tastes good anymore, and I don’t like drinking with anyone in my life anymore. Sure, I could use something to unwind at the end of the day, but alcohol is too expensive and it sometimes makes it worse so fuck it. Breakup was 10 years ago btw.

  10. Either very outgoing or very philosophical/debative and serious (from my point of view).

    I used to be more assertive when drunk.

  11. When I was in college, I was energetic and adventurous whenever I got drunk. These days, alcohol just makes me nostalgic and a bit depressed.

    But it also depends on what I’m drinking. 10 shots of vodka makes me feel a lot different than a full glass of bourbon or a six pack.

  12. A lot more relaxed now that I’m in my mid 30s than I did in my late teens/early 20s, when the sauce seemed to be a reason to cut loose and go wild.

  13. I’ve always found that it’s very dependant on my environment and mental state. Alcohol doesn’t really make me happy or sad or anything but it seems to enhance those feelings. So if I’m in a good mood and having a good time I’m going to feel really happy and if something happens to upset me I’ll probably be much more upset than I would have been if I was sober. It hasn’t really changed for me over the years aside from how much more I used to drink compared to now.

    Chances are they are drinking in an environment that makes them feel that way or maybe they think about things that they don’t when their sober and that’s what makes them feel lonely, but honestly everyone is different so their experience could be very different from mine.

  14. Depends on the liquor. Tequila makes me angry. Whiskey is a bit strong. Bourbon makes me relaxed. Gin is my fave, it gets me talking. Vodka is for when I’m feeling basic and not trying to do much.

  15. I have never noticed any emotional difference and I just enjoy the wooziness. I completely don’t understand people that say they drink to avoid problems or feel better.

    It might relax me….. But it’s not gonna make me worry about something less.

  16. If I’m just sitting around and drinking and chattin or doing something simple I feel great.

    if I’m trying to read, comprehend things or walk. It pisses me off since its way harder.

    I also feel stronger. And tbh I am stronger when drunk.

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