What’s something stupidly dangerous you did when you were younger?

  1. Hitchhiked with friends, partied a lot throughout college and me and a friend would always just hitch rides places, sometimes with guys we didn’t even know

    And this was in CA, so it was even more dangerous lol

  2. Jumping off a bridge because everyone else was doing it

    The rest I can’t tell you bc there not legal haha

  3. I walked onto a frozen lake in early spring on a dare and, to the surprise of no one, fell through the ice.

    I called my mom to come get me and she laughed so hard she started wheezing, called me a dumb ass, and then helped me out of my soaked clothes and into shower.

  4. Oh, so many things….

    I jumped in the water to stab an alligator with a knife. It was trying to kill one of our dogs, so….yeah. Still, probably not my brightest moment.

    I jumped off a 2 story building onto a regular trampoline. Several times.

    Disappeared into the woods for days at a time without telling anyone where I was going. Including backwoods solo camping in the Okefenokee Swamp.

    My younger brother and I would catch and sell rattlesnakes.

  5. Went out walking in a not so great area at 2am…. Ended up being followed by a couple guys. Luckily I was able to call my boyfriend (now husband) and he was able to drive to where I was and pick me up before anything bad could have happened.

  6. Swimming in a quarry. I thought it was a funny story, my dad did not think so. He was furious.

  7. When I was 8 I climbed on top of my school building and jumped off because my older brother bet me that I wouldn’t do it because I was too scared

  8. Hitchhiked on the back of a motorcycle in Greece. I was 19 and the handsome Greek man did not speed any English lol

    But that’s the tip of a very large iceberg

  9. My brother and I randomly decided one night we would go hiking and camping. So we packed a few clothes and some snacks and ran off into the mountains. We got lost and were out there for 3 days trying to figure out how to find our way back home.

    Yeah, we found several bears and probably were really close to several mountain lions quite a few times.

    A rescue crew finally found us.

    We were 10/12.

  10. When I was 17, I hitchhiked from Canada to Mexico. By far the stupidest and most dangerous thing I’ve ever done.

  11. We used to play in the storm water drains that ran into the river, completely ignoring the massive warning signs that promised certain death. The only thing that stopped us was a classmate actually dying during a flash flood when he was playing in the drains

  12. I grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. When I was about 15, I went to a party up in a favela (a favela is a poor neighborhood on a hill). The local cartel members were all in attendance with their AK-47s across their chest. Drunk me gets on stage at the party, grabs the mike from one of the cartel members who also happens to be djing and literally tries to rap for them and the whole party. I still have no idea how I made it out alive.

  13. Ran around downtown Reno in the middle of the night, unsupervised, from the ages of 13-16. Biomom worked all night, left me on my own and all my friends were older(5+ yrs).

  14. Self harm. I didn’t process my emotions correctly and internalized what other people used to say to me. I am better now.

  15. One time, me and my friends met these randoms in downtown Vegas who invited us back to their house to party. We all got into the car with them and they drove us more than 30 minutes from the strip to their house, speeding the whole way. I was the only one with a phone that wasn’t dead.

    I remember looking at my friend and squeezing my friend’s hand in the car when we both finally realized what a stupid idea this was.

    There’s more, but that one stands out as one of the stupider ones.

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