The majority of times when we have sex, my girlfriend has to stop in the middle (during foreplay, eating out, penetration, whatever) and go take a dump. We’ve talked about it for her to try to use the bathroom before sex as much as possible, but it seems like she can’t always do that. I don’t know if it’s being aroused or just the position of laying down on the bed on her back that makes her have to go, but it’s really putting a damper on our sex life. Sometimes she comes back with little tissue shreds in her pussy or ass, because I hear her use so much in the bathroom trying to wipe herself clean, and there have been a few times she comes back and her ass smells the tiniest bit. I really don’t know what to do or what to say, please help.

  1. Biology is biology but if she’s not hopping in the shower real quick to wash that thing out, or at the very least hammering that starfish with a battery of baby wipes, then that’s something she needs to change. Unless you’re trying get busy in a tent somewhere there’s no excuse for starting the second half of horsing around with a dirty ass and yes, my friends, just wiping with paper leaves a dirty ass.

  2. If you do not have a bidet shower, you could perhaps install one; it is easy and quick to wash one’s lower parts with one.

  3. Umm that’s kind of weird 🤣🤣

    Tell her to take a shower before anything continues…..though I really don’t know how she’s even able to do this mid sex I’m baffled lmao

  4. This is different. I wonder if sex makes her nervous and makes her stomach hurt or something?

  5. You should make out first to get her ass going and then have a shower together where you make out some more. Then get to bed and business!!

  6. Does she have ibs or something? She should chat to a doctor I think. Also.. who doesn’t wash their nethers after poopsalot. Like especially if you’re coming back to sex?! Just say, not in sex mode, hey I just get a bit weirded out about the poo thing do you think you should get checked out? And I always wash after pooping do you think you could as well It weirds me out a bit!

  7. Do you guys always have it at the same time everyday? Maybe switch it up? Some people always poop at the same time lol

  8. Just asked her to wash, even a facecloth with soap on it would be fine no need for a full on shower. . .

  9. I noticed a lot of times. Not always. But many of the times I try ro masturbate that I realise I need to go to the bathroom. To poop. Never happened with sex tho maybe a handful of times.

    Maybe cause she is relaxed and the body then think it’s a good time.

    Does she eat regularly during the day. And when does she usually have to take poo if you don’t have sex.

    Cause Maybe you just timing in the sex when the food is ready to come out. And have sex some other time during the day instead. In the morning or in the evening depending on when the normal poo happens.

  10. I never heard of anyone having this problem. I would tell her to try to poop before you even start and using a hot washcloth will do the trick. Do you guys have sex at the same time most days and it just falls on her poop schedule? Maybe she has a sensitive bowel things move for her easily

  11. The fact that she doesnt even wash her ass and has no problems with you likely licking her feces and fing toiletpaper off of her, as if she didnt just take a shit, baffles me.
    Like…doesnt hygiene cross her mind once??

    If thats not some kink you talked about b4 thats a no go.
    If I was you and tried to talk about that already with no change I’d be out. The not washing afterwards is just hella disrespectful imho.

    The pooping-okay she may have no control over that.
    But the least you should adress is the ass washing…omfg

  12. Kind of sounds like as pelvic muscles start contracting during sex it is moving things along in her bowels.
    I think you have to accept this is just part of how her body works. Or, suggest she sees a pelvic floor physio who may be able to help if it is a problem she wants help with.
    She should definitely have a quick rinse, either with wipes or in the shower if it isn’t clean afterwards though.

  13. For what it’s worth, for those who have IBS, sexual activity ESPECIALLY penetration of any kind can usually exacerbate it

  14. Well getting sexually stimulated, since the vagina is stacked in front of the anal canal in woman, which means as you are stimulating her vagina, it can cause a reaction to poop if someone suddenly needs to poop.

    Sooo ask her to either smoke some weed, drink some black coffee, or some prune juice two hours before sex to get it out and retrain her body to poop when you aren’t having sex.

  15. She may have constipation that gets better when she relaxes get her to eat papaya daily or take some laxatives usually
    Source: i often masturbated to get rid of constipation

  16. This sounds like a neurological issue, because normally sexual arousal and stimulation causes a response in the parasympathetic nervous system that inhibits bowel contraction, effectively keeping things from “moving along”. It sounds like in her case the signalling is reversed somehow. She should talk to a doctor about this.

  17. Maybe those muscles flexing gets stuff moving 😬 is she mostly sedentary? Maybe yogurt or more movement or something. Or just like, hold it? Is that weird of me to say?

  18. One word, bidet. More than one word, the hose type bidet is really useful and easy to install.

  19. This is going to sound odd, but does she experience any other GI oddities? Constipation? Does she have any vaginal pain with sex?

    I ask because when I began having issues with my pelvic floor, suddenly needing to poop during sex started happening. I was having issues with relaxing my pelvic floor and it caused constipation and pelvic pain. And I found that the muscles would finally release after an orgasm….so I’d finally need to poop.

    In the mean time, get a bidet or some wet wipes to use after she goes.

  20. Ah just a side possibility, because I think a lot of advice so far is pretty good, but how is her diet? I’m thinking one possible explanation is low fibre, like the fibre from chia seeds and whole grains kinda fibre. Not enough fibre and your poop doesn’t form nice big logs that come out clean and regular daily. So she might have soft fluffy crap all through her intestine coming down slowly into the colon all day rather than as one nice delivery that arrives together. Might be an odd thing to consider but uh when I wasn’t getting enough fibre that was an issue

  21. My wife and I just moved into a house that has a bidet. The seat is heated and I can tell you that the warm water stream is dead on accurate. I (just keep fucking silent here) have done several “test wipes” and the effectiveness and efficiency of that stream is perfect! Girls really don’t know that they get little balls of toilet paper in the folds of their nether regions. A bidet makes ALL lower, hidden, warm, wet, moist, aromatic pieces and parts problems go right down the drain. I, personally, have no problem using the bidet. Of course, I have been called a pussy all my life. Even my mother and my daughter and my wife regularly call me a pussy so I’m used to it. But I am telling you a bidet will cure at least part of your conundrum so that you can eat from a sparkling clean palette. Aaaaaaah fresh washed girl.

  22. This is funny, I’m sorry lol. Muscles and organs are weird man. I learned on TikTok recently that apparently a lot of women will purposefully press on the back wall of their vagina to help them poop when constipated! So this kind of makes sense I guess if all her muscles are relaxed and you’re adding pressure to the area.

    The healthiest and safest thing for her is to just get a bidet or hop in the shower after going. A hot shower together and then moving to the bedroom could be fun.

  23. its pretty gnarly that shes not washing her ass after pooping knowing shes about to have sex, thats kinda crazy to me. i wash my butthole before sex sometimes just on premise even knowing it’s completely clean.

  24. It’s wild that people casually advise how she should clean her ass after pooping before returning to continue to have sex… Like isn’t that common sense? What kind of a woman is she? I would straight up throw up if I would see someone’s ass with paper shreds and even worse, smell it? Wtf.

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