I’m talking single occupant…or more if you’re so bold. 9/10 times I’ll do it if I really have to go.

  1. Yes. If i have to go, i have to go! But i do it with grace.
    As in gracefully. Not a woman named Grace.

  2. I’ve only done it in a shitting emergency and it was a single-person bathroom anyway so no harm no foul.

  3. I feel no shame in taking single occupant female bathroom. It’s the same room, just without a urinal. And sometimes not even that. Exact same bathroom sometimes.

  4. If it’s a single toilet restroom that I can go in alone and lock the door, hell yeah I will. I lift the seat and put it back down. I try to do it respectfully.

  5. >single occupant

    I’m in California so all the single occupant restrooms are all gender restrooms.

  6. Never personally done this, but have seen it done by customers at my employers. 0 fucks given. In fact, I took down the Men/Women signs and put up a Restroom sign.

  7. Yes. None. Women don’t hesitate to use the men’s restrooms. They want equality, they got it.

  8. Shame?? If I have to go that bad it’s either in the women’s room or crap my pants. Let’s be honest here. Staying out of that room won’t be preferred by anyone. I’m opening up that door, yelling that I’m a man, it’s an emergency, and I’m coming in! Eyes to the ground right into a stall, make it quick and hopefully the police aren’t called. lol

  9. Went to a small restaurant. Had small bathrooms. Someone was blowing up the men’s. Door was locked but the smell seeped from under the door. So I checked the women’s, I knocked, it was unlocked, unoccupied. So I went in and blew it up. Fastest dump I’ve ever taken. It had spray in there. I also curiosity flushed. And got tf out of there. After washing hands first.

    No shame in my game. I did what I needed to do and got out with no issues. Pretty sure the dude in the men’s room was still in there. Probably taking a pic of his shit to send to his homies.

  10. Statistically, I’m leaving less of a mess than the women that have been using it, so I don’t feel bad.

  11. No. I’m not going to push my way into the women’s restroom. If the place specifically asks men to do that then sure.

  12. Any port in a storm. It’s a bathroom. It’s not like I’m parking in a handicap space.

  13. Coming from the perspective of someone who goes to a lot of gigs, this kind of doesn’t mean anything to me. Women frequently come into the men’s because the stalls are never used, and they gotta go.

    If you gotta go, you gotta go.

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