(F32) have been in dating pool for a while now. Something bugs me.
Do guys become man on their own?
The reason I ask is it seems hard to find single guys with real man vibes. Not (only) sexually.
No offense you all. But its like, at this point I sort of expected at least a Pikachu and it seems there are almost only Pichus out there.

People in relationships out there, what do you say? Are male humans able to man-up on their own, or they need some sort of gentle grooming??

If you’re a guy and you are offended because in fact you are very much a man, then show us all that and add only to agregate.

Ps. Women that could help me elaborate on guys not passing adult/man vibes, thanks!

  1. Most of us learn from other male relatives, but some guys don’t have that luxury. Those guys learn by trial and error, or never at all.

    Society has feminized men. Testosterone is falling along with sperm count. Feminism and MeToo have made men hesitant to take risks. Consequently, there are a large number of guys who will never act like you hope.

  2. it’s rare to find a stable man who has everything under control that’s not taken already.

    most of these men are only seen after they’re well and successfully stable.

  3. It’s my belief that you need to go through some real adversity to become a man. Not all guys have the opportunity, and not all guys take it on.

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