My best friend has always been an inclusive person. Throughout college she gave me a good group of friends that never ended becoming that close but at least it was something (we went to a commuter school). Now fast forward we are years out of college and I have made some new friend groups that I have included her in. She has made a lot of friends through me. And that’s totally fine I love that for her but I feel like she has not been super inclusive with me recently. I feel hurt that she wouldn’t invite me to things with new people she meets and I understand she’s not obligated to do that but it still sucks. I want to make friends through people too, the same way I have helped her make friends. I know most of you will say that an easy fix is to stop including her going forward but she is already kind of part of the groups I introduced her to and it would be weird to back track and stop calling her to stuff. Unless I make a totally new friend group in the foreseeable future and keep that to myself I don’t really know what to do to make myself feel better.

TLDR: my best friend has made a lot of friends through me and is in all of my social circles but she does not include me in all of hers and it hurts my feelings.

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