Hi so I (21F) am having some trouble finding the right birth control method for my bf (21M) and I to use as nothing seems to work and I am getting so frustrated.

First of all, Ive tried hormonal birth control pills and it was a shit show, did not work for my body at all. I took it for 5 months and bled continuously throughout those 5 months, also had major mood swings, felt ill and sad all the time and all around was just really taking a toll on my mental and physical health so I had to stop it. the same thing happens everytime I have ever taken a plan B, I am moody and bleed irregularly for like a whole month each time.

Regarding condoms, I am also super sensitive to latex and my bf is larger than average in size so we have a hard time finding condoms that work for the both of us. When we use condoms they break way more often than they should. I’m not sure why they always break (I’ve tried multiple brands, next I am going to try the SKYNS b/c they are all latex free, but still looking for more options because I cant put all my trust in condoms when they’ve broken on me so many times). If we use lube I always make sure the lube is compatible with the condom but we hardly even use that because I am sensitive to a lot of things down there. Even last night when him and I had sex it completely ripped open and I had to go get a plan B unfortunately 🙁

Him and I are so young so I am against the IUD for myself and vasectomy for him as of now (as recommended by my doctor). I used to be more reckless but as Im getting older I’m finally understanding that I cannot just rely on pulling out and need more protection. Anyone in similar situation or can recommend some options for people who are very sensitive to hormonal pills? Thanks in advance

  1. This is a great resource. They have all the options there, with good summaries and extensive details. Not to mention that you can visit them in person and talk to a real person, either with or without your partner.


    Oh and I should mention, it’s all free and you don’t need to make an appointment. They’ll even give you the actual birth control for free, even expensive things like IUDs.

  2. Have you tried the mini pill? It’s progestin only.


    I’m not clear why you’re against an IUD (one without hormones). It’s good for at least 5 yrs and can be removed at any time, returning your ability to conceive. It’s one of the most effective forms of bc because it eliminates human error and is always present without you needing to do anything.


  3. >Him and I are so young so I am against the IUD for myself and vasectomy for him

    These two things are very different. An IUD is temporary and can be removed whenever you want. A vasotomy is potentially permeant, and not something anyone who may want children in the future should have.

    Honestly, I would get a second opinion on that IUD advice. They used to be considered less desirable for women who haven’t given birth, but this is no longer the case. They are frequently used in teens and young women, and are one of the most effective and convenient birth control methods.

  4. True, I will get a second opinion. As I mentioned in a previous comment it’s not that I am 100% against the IUD but I have heard some horror stories and also was not recommended by my family doctor. Thank you for the advice though, I will do some more research

  5. I had to try several different brands of birth control pills before finding one that didn’t cause issues. They have different levels and combinations of hormones so there will be some trial and error before finding one that works for your body.

    IUDs are much safer and you don’t need to worry about forgetting to take the pill. In hindsight I wish I had gotten the IUD instead

  6. Have you tried the arm implant? i got mine for free at planned parenthood and it was absolutely painless. I bled constantly when I got it in but all bodies are different – I’m on the pill and haven’t bled at all. plus, nothing to worry about – no pill to forget, no shot to schedule, it’s just in there. and the most effective form of bc!!

  7. Condoms should not be breaking that much. Something is going on there. Either you’re using them wrong, using bad lube, or storing them in bad conditions. Is he leaving enough space at the tip? They will break easily if you use any oil-based lube, so use something silicone based.

  8. The implant is a great option! Just be aware it might make your cycle a little irregular for the first 6 months or so. I had constant spotting for the first 6 months but afterwards I didn’t get a period at all. I’m on my 3rd now (they’re changed every 3 years) and have only had 2-5 periods over the last 7 years.

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