I always imagined of being with someone who is more artistic like into film, literature, music and art. Like even the type of family they come from would be artistic as well. Just a great emphasis and love for all things art.

But the person I am with is not into any of those things. I know it is not realistic to want everything u like in a person but why do I still feel like I am missing out or be in a more compatible and passionate relationship with someone else.

They do like to read here and there and will tag along to museums and other places but won’t necessarily enjoy or see a point in them. It is just not a thing they like and will seek out. They do it for me but I can sense that it is not enjoyable for them and they can’t wait to leave.

Other parts of our relationship are ok. Some of the cons u can say is, does weed and smokes. Stopped for 5 plus years then started again. They tease me a lot to the point I am super mad. Is friends with questionable people who also smoke and do weed but are also ambitious etc. Says the B word nonchalantly (like with me and close friends) which icks me. Also I just got serious with them like 5 years ago. We were together but actually missing and thinking about them when we did long distance but me realize I want to marry them. He is head over heels for me. And is a smart, witty, ambitious, kind person with good morals and character so idk. We have good communication and are respectful and do love each other. But I am in my mid 20s. So is he. And maybe I haven’t actively been with anyone else or traveled enough or met with other people but even then I feel like he is the one.

I feel as though I am being shallow but on the other hand I feel like I will not be able to live a full life with him and that I can do better (some of my friends said that).

  1. I’m in a similar situation, but the problem I’ve started having is I don’t find my partner attractive, I thought eventually I’d stop being shallow but it hasn’t changed over the past 10 months. I’ve really struggled with it because she does tick so many qualities I like in a woman, but physical attractiveness is literally the only one that she hasn’t ticked.

    I’m currently taking time out and getting some head space to think on it, but I highly doubt it’ll change. It really does suck

  2. I understand sadly I think the guy you are explaining is not for you .you’re guy is cultured dose exist and mannerisms are important . I truly believe the guy you’re looking for would be found in a art museum or a place you would enjoy . sounds like you want to share similar experiences and interests . I believe that’s not asking too much but to be fair a guy who picks on you is someone who is in to you you just need some one who can be nice and playful .

  3. This is easily the biggest mistake in mindset I made while dating in my twenties. Initially, I was certain that I wanted a similarly arts, music, and philosophy-driven person that I could go to concerts with and watch the same movies. The result? I found that sharing interests was *all* I could do with that person.

    Three years ago, I started dating a girl who shares only a few of my interests and hobbies; instead, what we share is the Big Stuff – communication style, views on family, ethics, sexual preferences, and sense of humor.

    We got engaged last April and are getting married this May.

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