I have heard that to attract more women a thing that is important is to be mysterious, but I have been in a situation where they say “I don’t know you good enough” and I start doubting this method. Can any of you give me any advice on what to do in similar situations.

  1. thats just a classic rejection line. if tom cruise walked up to her and asked her out she wouldnt say that.

  2. I think the key is to be mysterious overall but act like they have a special insight into your brain. Let them in on things others wouldn’t normally know. Make them feel more special. A mysterious man is hot but a mysterious man you have a special connection to is even hotter.

  3. Sorry, mysterious isn’t really a turn on, at least for women I know. Mysterious = dangerous and untrustworthy

    I would say, be friendly, authentic and approachable. That’s what I’ve always been attracted to.

  4. She’s rejecting you while trying to sound polite so you don’t flip out on her. More often than not that phrase actually means “I’m not interested in getting to know you”

  5. If a woman says she does know you well enough it means either (a) she likes to know people more deeply or (b) you are just not floating her boat.

    To speed things up when I was younger, I just took it to always mean (b). That meant I didn’t have to waste time on tyre kicking and indecisive ladies.

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