Ladies who are currently in a LTR / married to the first or second person you ever dated, are you ever curious about how you got so lucky or what else is out there?

  1. No, I’m not.

    I’m happy as it is and don’t see a reason to plant the seed of FOMO. Got everything I could have dreamed of, the only thing missing is more financial stability.
    But with everything else just fine, I don’t think about whoever might have been out there for me too. They don’t matter.

    My husband is the second person I was with (only had a short 3 months teenage relationship before), and I always imagined staying single forever due to weirdness, looks and so on. And then I met him 13 years ago, and we’re both a perfect fit for each other, our weirdness included. I can’t imagine anybody else in my life.

  2. Married 40 years. I don’t consider it luck. I was careful about who I dated, knew what I was looking for, and found him. We’ve had our ugly times for sure, but we made the decision to stay together and find reasons to appreciate and love each other and…here we are. I never thought about looking elsewhere. Why start over? It’s just a new set of issues to work with when you start a new relationship.

  3. As far as I’m concerned, whatever is out there can stay out there. I’m in a happy, healthy, thriving relationship that I have no plans on ending.

  4. There is nothing out there. He is the love of my life and always will be. He is perfect for me.

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