I’m a short guy and feel like kms because of my size. I’ve been told I’d be more attractive if I was taller and even women significantly shorter than me don’t even find my physically attractive.

  1. There are many women who don’t have a height preference. It does narrow your dating pool, but lots of short men have successful dating lives. Please reach out to a crisis hotline if you need one.

  2. Truthfully don’t listen to those people. I don’t know who they are to you, but their words shouldn’t mean anything to you especially if they’re telling stuff like that that’ll bring your self confidence down. Unfortunately size is something you can’t change, but that shouldn’t mean anything. Just keep moving forward and don’t listen to what others have to say

  3. It sounds like you are dealing with a bad depression and women not liking your height is only the tipping point. They don’t define whether or not you are good enough. That’s something you need to learn. Your height is fine. You are fine. You are human and you were born this way which means you’re good.

    Please seek help. There should be a local hotline you can call. If you are here on reddit it means you are looking for help. If you can afford a therapist I also recommend that.

    Stay strong, short king. There are so many legends that are short but sexy because they own it. Remember Danny Devito.

  4. Dude don’t, you’ll regret it but wont be able to come back. As depressing as life can be, i think its still worth riding life out. The time will come for all of us so just hang on please. I know it hurts, but at least you are able to feel these human emotions, although they sometimes suck. Dont give away your one shot in life

  5. You just need a confidence boost. Hit the gym bro. If you are already healthy, work on finances. The self improvement game doesn’t stop. Get some skills, work on houses or cars. It sucks but you gotta compensate for the height somewhere. Even guys 6’4 not getting no love if they aren’t working on themselves.

  6. Honestly bro, I just got rid of dating apps, most social media, and just accepted being alone. I have almost ended it over women, it’s not worth it. Trust me.

  7. So what do you want people here to say? you dont care about positive experiences short men and women who dated short men are telling you, but you care about some people telling you youre too short to date????

    Why listen to the negativity but not the positivity??? people with good experiences got good things because they kept trying and didnt let some comments rule their life. Youre going to quit when the right girl can be around the corner? life isnt just about sex and dating.

    You have a whole lifetime of amazing experiences waiting for you. Dont get hung up on what SOME shallow people have said

  8. My “short” friend is your height and has always done way better than me with the ladies. He’s just cooler and more confident than I am.

    Idk how old you are but I hope you don’t do something you can’t take back. Whole lot of life to live out there.

  9. My bf is a short king and he’s probably the best guy I’ve ever dated. Please don’t give up

  10. I think you need to take a step back and get out of your own head. Like straight no brain. I do this by stretching, maybe getting a massage gun or something.

    My buddy is 5’4″, is borderline autistic(doctor diagnosed), and isn’t particularly cute. His upside is he has a good job and I personally think he’s actually a really interesting person. He seems to get dates fine enough but not without work. There are women who don’t care as much about height. My sister has dated several men who are on the short side.

    The good news you are short and there’s actually nothing wrong with that. The bad news you need to adjust your behavior socially. In the short run, women care way more about your ability to hold a good conversation WITH A WOMAN. You also may need adjust your expectations and accept your aren’t going to bang really hot girls unless you become wealthy or are fucking hilarious (probably).

  11. One of my friends is dating a 5’4 man. He’s skinny and a trade worker earning 30% less than my friend. My friend is just an inch shorter and very pretty.

    My mom’s cousin married a 5’1 man. He has a stable job, but by no means rich. Her husband doesn’t meet any of the beauty standards either and they’ve been married for many years. Their 15 year old son is 4’9 and had a gf last time I heard.

    I know this is just two examples, but I haven’t seen a short guy dying alone because of it. This is in the U.S, go to Guatemala and you’d be average height.

    As a short woman, I’d date a short man. However, 99.9% is average/tall guys approaching me. Short guys either don’t approach as much or don’t like short women as much.

  12. You have to rise above these trivialities… height… weight… skin color… women love a man who has a strong personality and is not affected by the stupidity of society, so you have to get up and complete your life and build your personality again…. I am a very normal person, my height is average 5.8, but I don’t care if someone else is taller or more beautiful than me, I just know who I am and that’s enough. If you want advice from me, you should do sports, educate yourself, and look for new educated friends…. And always remember that you are greater than the trifles of society

  13. Eazy motherfuckin E was 5’3 and pulled women. The current Feathweight champion in the UFC is 5”5. My best friend who’s a fucking pimp and gets whatever girl he wants is 5”5. Have confidence in yourself bro. Go to the gym. Become a monster. Learn to control it and be stoic. Women see you focused on yourself and your dream oh man. Stay up G 🙏🏽

  14. Go to therapy and work on yourself. Accept things as they are. Issues about your height are yours to deal with. Even if you meet a girl, it will not be the girls duty to fluff up your confidence, you should already be well put together on the inside already. Girls don’t like dating guys with a bunch of resentment towards females.
    I’m not saying this will get you a girl, but it will make you more pleasant to be around and you would feel better in your own skin.

  15. I think you have bigger problems than finding a woman. You should start reading the Bible and join a Christian church! Jesus will deliver you from the anxieties, worries and loneliness!

  16. I know you’ve been in therapy for 15 years, but have you ever been in-patient for suicidal ideations? It sounds like you’re at that point. If your therapist knows you’ve had these feelings and they haven’t directed you to voluntarily check yourself into a mental health hospital, I encourage you to do that. Also, get a new therapist. There are a great many things that can help you with your clinical depression when you are hospitalized.

    I wish you luck.

  17. Lol, the worst place to look for pity. Your options are: Keep trying, and maybe you might meet someone or not, or stop if it’s really hurting your mental health. Idk what to tell you if you can’t see that dating isn’t everything to life. People have their preferences, It is what is. For the most part, you are responsible for your happiness, so dating and relationships are just supposed to be just a plus, a cherry on top, not the end all, be all. My advice is really focus on yourself and the different ways you can find that happiness without dating first. But if all you do is choose to do is post on reddit and dwell on it, you’re just going to get shit on by everyone here whether unjustified or not. Also, you’re aloud to feel upset at your situation. Just don’t drown in it and let it take over other aspects of your life, which will further hinder your potential successes.

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