Is there a limit to how young or how old you’d go?

Edit: I’ve always gone older since my teens, in my 30s now and currently with someone 8yrs older than i am.

  1. Younger

    Lower Limit is 20

    Prefer younger because as they get older money becomes more important and so do kids, I don’t want kids and I want a relationship based on enjoying time spent together as opposed to a transaction

    So aiming young is the best option

  2. Younger. If I was single again I might have a fling with an older woman, upper limit of late 30’s, but I would rule them out completely for anything beyond that.

  3. I’m 66 – any woman under 50 is young. I love the early 30s to late 40s. Under 30 is ok but I guess it depends on the maturity

  4. For roommate? Dentist? Babysitter?

    I can’t imagine it matters as long as they are qualified for the position.

  5. older….I’ve dated women in their 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s….they’re a lot more fun….

  6. I am mid 30’s and I am dating a 22 year old. I like em younger. I will accept the downvotes and beign called a pervert.

  7. Older women. When I was 22 I had a few FWBs in their 30s. I think women in their 40s are the hottest.

  8. I met my wife when I was 24 and she was 33. We have been married almost 12 years now.

    I always loved older women. I find them sexier and they have way better personaliities.

  9. I’ve been as low as four years younger and as much as 13 older. I’m getting up there now so even 30s feels pretty young.

    Comparability is more important than age to me.

  10. I would rather have a woman my age, but if I had to cheese between older or younger. I’m choosing older. I really enjoy having deep conversations and the way an older woman carrie themselves. Now, this isn’t always the case, but I do prefer older.

  11. Younger. The last few dates I had the girls were 8 years younger. Current gf is 8 years younger. However, I’d prefer an at least 4-5 year difference.

    Old enough to be a responsible adult, but young enough to still want to do cute couple things and be up for just about anything. I prefer cute over hot. I also got the baby face thing going, so I tend to look younger and think I look better with girls that look closer to my age.

    I prefer to be the provider and the person with the experience. It’s more fun for me to do something with them they’ve never done before, so I can show them the ropes. Most girls my age that I’m attracted to have been there done that, which is then not as attractive to me.

  12. Younger, but not drastically younger if we’re talking actual relationship.

    If it’s purely a question about physical attraction, I can’t deny that women in their early to mid 20s generally look their best.

  13. Many moons ago my uncle Vic the consumate Batchelor and ladies man told me take your current age,divide by 2 and add 6, thats the youngest woman you can date without a creep.

    Worth noting Uncle Vic was 60 and barely looked

    My ass can’t pull that shit off.

    Play on playa.

  14. It all depends on my own age. When I was 18, most of the women I was into would have been older than me. When I’ll be 50, then obviously most of my interest will be towards younger women.

  15. Older women have better personalities, they try harder, theyre alot more eager, and in general are better with conversation.

    Young women are hot and thats about it.

  16. Give or take 3-5 years, usually. There’s a few women I know in their early 20s that I’m practically smitten over and a few in their late 40s that I feel similarly about, but each relationship I’ve been in (including my current one) has found us within a few years.

  17. I dont really care. I don’t think I’d go for more than a +8 or -5 age difference from me. I only care if our maturity levels align.

  18. I somehow have statistically always preferred women older than myself.

    My first real crush was close to 18 when I was 16, after that my first girlfriend was 19 when I was 17, and my current girlfriend is 28 while I’m 24.

    I guess coincidentally I’ve always kinda digged women who were more “serious” in a way? I don’t know how to explain.

    I guess I had a crush on a girl younger than me once, and that didn’t really work because yeah… That died out real quick.

  19. I’m 24. I prefer to date from 22 to 36 years, so I guess I prefer older women. They tend to be better conversationalists, more direct and less into drama.

  20. Younger. Since my late 40s after being divorced, I have been in relationships with women from 15 to 22 years younger than me.

    They look better and are full of life and fun. Older single women tend to become too bitter and masculine.

  21. For serious near my age but preferably younger fir fertility since I want kids. For fun no limit

  22. Older, my gf is 5 years old than me and even though she’s still very young, I do believe i haven’t found anyone as mature as her with my experiences with girls my age or younger

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