I don’t want to just believe what I hear on TV and other media. I want to know if anyone has experienced this in real life.

My nipples are sensitive af. I sometimes put bandaids on them the day after sex. Because it feels good when my bf is sucking/playing with them but then it turns to damn near torture if I’m not actually being stimulated elsewhere. Then they’re extra sensitive for soo long afterwards.

I was just wondering what it might feel like to actually cum from it. Do I let him keep going or stop at the torture/soreness?

  1. I mad my GF cum once from nipple play but I’m not sure how I did it lol. I think she just was super horny. Usually if the sensation is too much for her we stop and I focus on other erogenous zones.

  2. I did once, but it was after a šŸƒcookie, it was one of the best brain full body orgasms.

  3. Oddly I have made two gf’s cum precisely once from nipple play. After the once it had to be in combination but mainly focused on the nipples. Hypersensitivity applies to nipples.

  4. it’s my preferred method of masturbating and my orgasms are better than clit orgasms or penetration orgasms. i get way wetter and quicker with nipple play. it’s up to you and what you feel comfortable with. if the stimulation is too intense and you don’t like the way it feels don’t do it. if you want to try to experience it maybe you could push through the discomfort once to see if you like it?

  5. I cum all the time from my nipples, either alone or with prostate stimulation or balls being tugged or neck being sucked or feet being tickled. My wife will walk up to me every couple days and tweak my nipples through my shirt and cum several times practically instantaneously, 0-60 in seconds, it feels so damn good. Iā€™ve been with 3 women who have had nipple orgasms. With an open mind an exploration you can have orgasms from any part of you that has nerves.

    A way to learn to have them is by ā€œpracticingā€ alone or with a partner. If you want to last longer and be less sore, go softer. I like being caressed (or caressing myself) so lightly the fingers hardly touch my skin, or caressing everywhere but the nipples. I also like being chomped and sucked on until I hurt for days, hehe.

    A good way to practice is with training wheels. Learn to associate nipple stimulation with your normal orgasm formula (clit?) by stimulating your nipples while you play with your clit. Then after a few times try stopping stimulation of your clit at the moment of orgasm and go over the finish line with your nipples. Then stop clitoral stimulation further and further away from the moment of orgasm until you can do it with nipples alone. No guarantees, but thatā€™s how my wife learned to have orgasms all over her body (feet legs flank butt nipples). I learned differently, with prostate play.

  6. It is very possible! Iā€™ve had two different women cum while just sucking and playing with their tits!

  7. yes definitely! iā€™ve only gone all the way once, but it felt soooo good. a lot of it was mental, partnered with gentle pressure and touching/ licking. i was really really horny which definitely was what got me there

  8. Some people can, but it takes time. Like 10 minutes or more straight of their preferred stimulation.

  9. I can have them, but they’re a bit different from the standard clitoral orgasm. After playing around with my nipples for a while I get a bit of vaginal wall twitching but it’s not the same kind that you get during a clit orgasm, it’s more like… I’m doing it consciously but I also can’t help it, it’s like a reflex. The most significant part of enjoyment comes from the lovely full body orgasmic feeling, like my body is just… Glowing from the inside with good feelings. My head feels like it’s pulsing and I just feel really good. It’s hard to explain but it’s very similar to my clitoral orgasms, except my vagina doesn’t do the pulsing motions and I don’t ejaculate.

    For some reason the absolute best feeling is when my nipples are erect and I just very gently place two fingers on opposite sides of the nipple, like I’m about to pinch it but stop just short of applying any pressure. It feels ridiculously good for such minuscule touch, like to a point where I’m breathing heavily and moaning like I’m about to come just from the tips of my fingers connecting with the skin on my nipples repeatedly. It feels like a very warm, loving way to have an orgasm for some reason because it builds up so slow and then erupts in an almost slow motion way all over my body. Sometimes I’m already in the middle of the orgasm when I realise what’s going on… It’s just the best. But for me it requires a very calm and slow, relaxed atmosphere. I like hard stimulation on my nipples as well like pinching and twisting and biting, but it’s such an intense sensation that while it will produce a jolt of good feels in the moment, I couldn’t orgasm from just that because it overloads my senses.

    Once I had several vaginal orgasms that were triggered by nipple stimulation while I was riding/straddling a guy and he was sitting upright sucking my boob and playing with the other. We were going really slow, like I was basically just slowly rocking myself on his lap and stroking his hair while he was slowly sucking and touching my nipples. I usually never come during penetration but the nipple stimulation felt so good combined with him being inside me that once I got over the edge I just kept cumming on him like every few seconds for several times. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that in tune with my body and be so turned on, but I haven’t been able to replicate it again with another partner.

    I’m in my late 30s and I only just discovered this about a year ago. I didn’t used to pay any attention to my boobs during sex but since my breakup I’ve had more time alone in bed and have felt more comfortable fooling around with myself, really get into my feelings and make some noise. That’s what unlocked it for me and I’m soooo happy it did.

  10. F – yes. I’ve experienced it on multiple occasions. Part of it is partner compatibility too, I’ll concede. I’ve been with my current boyfriend for over 8 years. He knows when I’m in the mood for them to be gently teased, and when I like for them to be tugged on and pinched.

    The key to orgasm from nipple play is fuck tons of patience, because breast/nipple stimulation is best done at a slow pace.

  11. I love love love when my boyfriend plays/sucks on my nipples. Itā€™s like my favorite thing. Iā€™ve never orgasmed from it but I can only orgasm from penetration. it makes me extremely horny so that when we do start having sex I cum within minutes

  12. Iā€™ve never come from it alone, but I need nipple stimulation to come. My husband has to reach up to play with my nipples when he eats me out.

  13. I had a GF that didn’t generally enjoy nipple play, but after a nice dinner at a restaurant, a lot of flirting, and a few glasses of wine, she had her first orgasm from nipple stimulation. She was shocked that it was a thing at all.

  14. Yeah, my girlfriend can cum from nipple & breast sucking/licking alone. Really fun thing to have on the list of things I can do to her

  15. YES! In fact this is the only way I cum šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© I love it soooo much! It makes me squirt all over the place tbh

  16. I do if I have already orgasmed through the G-spot. Then everything is extra sensitized and I cum and cum until Iā€™m spent. Best way to have a full nights sleep.

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