I recently just ditched some friends because they didn’t want me around. They didn’t say this, but I know by the vibe they give off. The “who invited this idiot to come with us” vibe. So I did em a favor and quietly said my goodbyes and left the group all together. No one noticed nor cared, so I guess it was the right move.

But, the problem is that this happens ALL THE TIME. It’s almost like NO ONE wants me around.

I’m nice, people find me funny, I’m well-groomed and a great listener, but people only tolerate me, use me for money, or I just become the third wheel and eventually forgotten.

I don’t get it. Is it because my ADHD? Am I just that inferior to others? What am I doing wrong?

  1. Same here! I’m good with it though!! Love yourself and forget the rest. Friends don’t define you.

  2. I would be confrontational. I find that being straight up and asking people is the best. Perhaps the vibe you feel is overthinking? Not that it’s not obvious when your not wanted but I think if you’re being invited still that should show that they do want you around. If you don’t feel appreciated when hanging out bring that up. At this point I find that you’ll really find out if they’re your friends. A real friend will address your concerns whilst respecting your feelings, if they react sarcastically or obviously annoyed then that let’s you know everything you should. All personal experience of course.

  3. Maybe you’re just a huge fun sucking wanker? It sounds like you’ve got a very high opinion of yourself. Maybe it’s the self important vibe you give out that makes people want you to go stuff yourself.

  4. You say they use you for money…

    You need to up the class of your friends. Start hanging out with people that are what you aspire to be in life and you’ll make good friends.

    Never be the richest, smartest, most successful person in your friend group.

    More successful people pull you up…less successful people drag you down.

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