As a European I tried to watch Fox News online, but the site required me to choose my cabel provider, which is obviously out of the options, considering the fact that I live in the EU and my provider (Telekom) only provides CNN.

How could I watch American TV channels (like Fox News) online, free of charge?

  1. I hope you want to watch fox news to laugh at it. I worked in a restaurant where the owner always had it on, and it had an effect on me. They are to blame for a lot of our problems in america. Do a little deep diving into Rupert Murdoch the creator of faux news

  2. VPN really. I share your curiosity for watching different foreign news channels even if they’re a bit mad. Fox used to broadcast in the UK but withdrew because of a lack of viewers. Don’t think they broadcast anywhere in Europe now so a VPN I guess but my curiosity doesn’t stretch far enough to bother with it.

  3. Most US based websites don’t want to comply with EU regulations regarding cookies and privacy, so they’ve just opted not to allow people from Europe to access their sites at all. Considering most US based news sites cover domestic news, and mostly at a hyper local level (IE my local ABC affiliate covers Indianapolis area news and not California or Mississippi news), they just don’t have much foreign traffic to begin with.

    But also, the point of cable is you have to pay for it. So you’d need to sign up for a Live TV service. Hulu and YouTube both have Live TV services, though I have no idea if they do in your area or if Fox News would be covered.

  4. First off, don’t. Cable news is in its death throes. The “news” channels cater to their audience and only say what they want to hear.

    It’s not like cnn international, they were still at least trying to be a news source (as of a couple years ago anyways). The US CNN, not so much.

    If you insist, YouTube has plenty of clips. Services like plex might have a live tv option you can use, other streaming services are starting to offer live tv as well.

  5. I think VPN is your best bet if you want to watch it as if you are watching from the US. Otherwise, I see you want it for entertainment based on your replies to some comments, so in that case honestly you can see some of the real ‘special’ highlights of our cable news on the internet, like YouTube and what not.

    I highly recommend being a few drinks deep before watching Fox News for your own mental health. All our cable news networks are dumpster fires seeking to only reinforce the view of their existing audience with ludicrous culture wars topics, not actually presenting the news, so it’s a problem across the spectrum, but Fox (and some smaller, more absurd ones like OANN and Newsmax on the right, and Democracy Now on the left) is another level of echo chamber insanity.

  6. You may try going to YouTube and when there search for whatever you might be looking for in the way of news. Fox and MSNBC will come off on opposite sides of many issues.

  7. Fox News and other cable channels are not free, even in the US. You can’t pick them up with an antenna, you have to subscribe to a cable package that includes it. There is no way to watch it live for free. You can generally find pre-recorded free clips on the channel’s websites and Youtube.

    If you’re looking for free US TV, look for local channels that are broadcast over the air – they might have a stream on their website (if they allow access from Europe, which many don’t because of GDPR).

  8. All our news channels upload highlight segments on YouTube. I’m sure Fox on YouTube isn’t blocked

  9. Why? Why would you want to subject yourself to the thing that is destroying this country?

  10. FaceTime a US boomer and it will be on the tv at excruciating volume in the background, 🤣!

  11. We don’t get those channels for free. I read the news online for free. We don’t have cable and those national news stations are cable generally. Some may have an app but might require fees. Good luck!

  12. >As a European I tried to watch Fox News online

    Oy. Reminded me of [this]( scene.

    If you really want to watch that, you’ll need to find an illegal stream. Or get an American VPN and possibly a subscription to some sort of streamlining service.

    You’re not going to become enlightened from it though. It’s just a lot of flinging of you know what that goes on over there.

  13. ​

    You need a VPN, preferably a paid one. Media outlets, worldwide, tend to geoblock much of their content to restrict it to within their national borders. Many US media outlets go a step further to block all access to even their websites to anyone located in the EU due to fear of being in violation of the GDPR.

    Getting around the GDPR restriction is trivial, even without a paid VPN. I simply use the Opera web browser for this, as it comes with a built-in VPN that lets you choose a different location. I just set mine to the Americas and that resolves the issue.

    It may be preferable to use a paid VPN service to access live network television, as the free ones tend to be a bit dodgy when it comes to accessing streamed media content.

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