I got a new job 5 months ago. Not only am I the newbie in the office, but I’m also the “baby,” and several decades younger than my coworkers. Coworkers in my role are middle-aged or grandparents, and I’m in my late 20’s with no children.

I got the role with several years of previous experience. Ever since I’ve started, I’ve received comments from coworkers about how young I am, but “*not inexperienced!*” Which just sounds sarcastic in tone. Even coworkers who are not on my team and do completely separate work come up to me and tell me how to do my job. The receptionist will come up to me and say “are you *sure?*” about how to respond to a particular issue. Then she asks me how I came to that conclusion, I walk her through it and she reluctantly trusts me and leaves. I have people who aren’t on my direct team coming up to me to double check “did you do this?” and “did you do that?”

I don’t think I’m being the arrogant young kid who can’t accept criticism. My direct supervisor also keeps telling me that I’m doing well (although, he teases me about how young I am, too). This is just a very bizarre situation that my young, inexperienced self hasn’t experienced yet 😅. Do I casually bring it up in a staff meeting? Do I shut each remark down directly with the person in the moment? Do I wait it out -however long- while I prove my worth?

Thanks guys.

1 comment
  1. They’re probably not used to seeing a young person working in an office. It will take years and many interactions with various colleagues before they trust your word and way of thinking. Take their tone and remarks with a grain of salt and do the best you can.

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