I’ve been talking to a guy for a while. He is generally funny, lively and we have been laughing a lot.

Yesterday we were talking about smartphones (he loves them) and I told him how much I love mine and don’t want another one, even though it’s 5+ years old already. Then he started joking about how he is going to break it/smash it with a hammer while I’m in the bathroom or something, in order to force me to upgrade to a new model. 😐

This conversation made me feel uncomfortable. It’s not about the phone. It’s about the fact that he is willing to suggest that he would destroy my property, even as a joke. (NB. He makes much less than me and he certainly wouldn’t be able to buy me a new phone in case, or instead of, destroying the current one I have.)

Is he a dick? Am I overreacting?

  1. You said it yourself, he was joking. Id totally joke about that with no intention of ever actually doing it. You may be overreacting just a bit.

  2. It’s hard to tell without having heard it myself. Tone and casuality of it and all. Like it could have just been a joke, and nothing more. Albeit, not one I would be particularly amused at either.

    I would honestly just keep an eye out for similar buggy behavior. If it’s the start of a pattern that makes you uncomfortable, then I would talk to them and say that it wasn’t really funny and it’s not really cool to joke like that with you.

    Like just because he thinks it is a joke, doesn’t mean you need to write off the uncomfortable feeling that it gives you as nothing. You’re feelings are valid, and if they are unable or unwilling to stop making you uncomfortable, then you deserve better.

  3. I think you are probably overreacting. I think it was a joke that you didn’t find funny. Just tell him that

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