Do you like texting everyday? And if the convo is initiated what’s a good way to start one?

  1. Usually with a question… I guess? I never really thought about it. Maybe just send me a meme or something you think I’d enjoy? Or throw out some ideas for our next date? A show you’re interested in seeing. A restaurant you’d like to try.

    Whatever you have to say. If you are busy one day, it’s OK if you don’t send anything.

  2. Anything, just so that you are invested and are thinking about me. One sided effort gets old very fast.

    Can really be anything, some meme you thought was funny, some article you thought was interesting, a selfie of you out doing whatever you are doing that day, could even just be a “hey, how is your day?”

  3. Idc as long as they’re not completely ghosting me

    Something easy to start a conversation helps like “what are you doing?” “how was your day?” etc

    Or just telling me or asking me something

  4. Don’t just say “Hi” or “Hey.” Put in a little effort. Ask me a question or tell me something interesting about you/your day.

  5. I am not the best at starting conversations, and that is when I know someone well, I get even worse when I don’t know someone too well.

    So, if a new girl I’ve been hanging out with/dated started a text conversation with me, and she held the conversation going, and managed to keep doing so every day with things that I also find interesting, then I would be more than happy to have daily conversations with her, and more than a little appreciative of the fact that she took the burden of conversation-starting off of my shoulders.

    What will make me dislike texting, especially if it happens every day, is if all we get out of the conversations are “Hey, how are you?” followed by “I’m fine. So, what’re you up to?” and “Oh, alright, I’m doing *whatever*” when I answer “Hey, I’m doing good, how about you?” followed by “Oh, you know, nothing much, just usual. What’re you up to?” followed by a whole day of nothing because neither of us has anything new, interesting, or whatever to talk about.

    Personally, I have no problem going days, weeks, maybe even months in-between conversations with people, even friends, and would much prefer that over having one of those conversations in the paragraph directly above this one.

    But, again, keep it conversations interesting and going, and I will be all for even daily conversations, and will even get to the point that I go waiting excitedly for the next time a conversation pops up, then feeling down if it never pops up one day, but super happy if it pops up the day after.

  6. I love that. Means you’re thinking of me. I loved good morning texts or just checking in around lunch on how my day is going.

  7. Yes

    “Do you like texting everyday?”


    “And if the convo is initiated what’s a good way to start one?”

    “Hey, how’s it going today?”

  8. She can say whatever lol, i’ll call her or facetime her. I’m not big on texting to be honest

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