Title. Met someone through art school today, and they looked really awesome. My first thought upon meeting them was “holy shit, I want to draw you so badly.”
I’d like to ask them if I can, but I feel like that might be a bit strange to ask someone who you’ve just met.
Sometimes people just- look like art, for lack of better words- and it makes me want to make art of them, for them, but I’m also aware that not everyone would be chill with that.
So, is it weird to ask someone if you can draw them? If so, how weird is it?

  1. I think its pretty straightforward just ask them, most people would be pretty happy to see themselves being drawn well I would but if they say no find someone else i guess

  2. If you’re male and they’re female, definitely do not ask her. It will likely make her feel very uncomfortable and unhappy because she doesn’t know you or your intentions, and they could be something creepy. She probably won’t want to interact with you more because you made her feel that way. You would have to be good friends with her before you even start to approach that. If it’s any other gender combination I’d say there’s less risk but definitely still you should know them for a few months and interact a bunch in that time before asking.

    Thanks for being so considerate to ask this question instead of just doing it. You’re making the world better for everyone.

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