It was around midnight and my boyfriend and I were having great sex, and got a bit (very) loud. A car from tbe apartment complex left and yelled “STOP FUCKING, YOU FUCKERS!!!!” and drove off fast…
Now im terrified of leaving my apartment and seeing my neighbors… Or having them tell on my landlord and have him scold me

I wasn’t able ro sleep last night from thinking about this and now i feel a hole in my chest due anxiety. Won’t even come out for a cigarette.

What should i so od my landlord says something? Id probably just die then and there. Obviously I’ll be more quiet from now on even though it’s hard……. But oh god, they hate me now.

Edit: hi, hello, I’m over it, I’m aware I was being too anxious, and also aware last Saturday night i was beinf inconsiderate by being louder than usual. Thanks for the kind words and realiity checks and a couple not so kind words. Lesson here is imma behave next time and get a ball gag or whatever 🙂
Probably won’t hear a thing from the landlord or the rest of the neighbors but if I do, well, will be better.

  1. Maybe it’s just me, but this wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. You are human, humans (most of them) have sex, it’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I’d just go about your life as usual. For some reason, I doubt this neighbor is gonna go to the landlord and complain about the loud sex noises they heard 🤷🏻

  2. Everyone is trying to comfort you and they’re right, you aren’t going to get in trouble with your landlord and this isn’t life-ending, but also I hate smarmy comments about the neighbors being jealous or moving if they don’t like it.

    Part of living in a shared building is being conscientious of your neighbors. If you wouldn’t stand in your living room and scream, you shouldn’t scream in bed. You don’t have to be incredibly loud to enjoy sex- I don’t want to hear that from my neighbors any more than they want to hear it from me. People who tell you “oh some people are just louder they can’t help it” are dickheads who are used to seeing themselves as the main characters in every scene in life. You can have good sex and spare a thought for the apartment directly under your bedroom trying to sleep.

    It’s no big deal. We all get carried away sometimes. Go about your normal life. Make an effort to stay quieter next time you fuck.

  3. >Now im terrified of leaving my apartment and seeing my neighbors

    >I wasn’t able ro sleep last night from thinking about this

    >Id probably just die then and there
    >But oh god, they hate me now.

    Jesus Christ…that anxiety is WAY out of proportion to the situation.

    You’re a human, FFS. People have sex. Sometimes people are loud in their apartments. Sometimes people have loud sex in their apartments. If you were playing music too loud, would you be so anxious? Sex isn’t a big deal.

    Your landlord isn’t going to come down and yell at you for a one-time offense. They only usually get involved for repeat offenses. And if they did, so what? Nothing is going to happen.

    Don’t be embarrassed for being a human.

  4. As long as the complaints are crude and anonymous like this one, you don’t have to respect them. Continue having sex, make all the noise that you want.

    When a more respectful complaint is made ( Someone knocks on the door, you open it, and he politely says: “Hi, my name is Fred. I’m your neighbor. I’m sorry to say this, but …” ) THEN you are obliged to take the complaint seriously.

    If the landlord does get involved, tell him to have the complainer come by and introduce himself, and you will find a way to be good neighbors. If the landlord says that the complainer chooses to remain anonymous, then you tell the landlord that you are not going to change.

    Respect engenders respect. Cowardice gets nothing.

  5. We got a note through out letter box once about our sex noises. It was hilarious. We wrote a note back and stuck it on the wall apologise and that we would keep the window closed. Dw about it. You were having fun, it’s not illegal!

  6. This problem will most likely just disappear. Hearing neighbours having loud sex is not unusual and most people just forget about it as long as it’s happening over and over again.

  7. Look it was rude and too much. You live in a shared space. Do better going forward.

    As for this, it’s not that big of a deal as long as it doesn’t continue. I guarantee they care way less than you.

    Let it be a learning experience and that’s it. You’re now overreacting

  8. Is your landlord your mom? I’m not sure why you think the landlord would care or approach you about it unless it’s 4am and you’re hollering.

  9. “I was out of town at a tech convention and my little brother was watching my place. I’ll have him keep the porn volume down in the future. Why hasn’t trash been picked up in the common area?”

  10. Be respectful and considerate of their need to sleep and have a life without late night noise and life should be fine. Time will heal.

  11. You live an apartment and are shocked to learn people heard you having “very loud” sex? Are you trolling us?

  12. Well, after seeing so many mixed reactions of people either comforting me and getting downvoted for it and/or calling me inconsiderate ~ I’ve decided to calm down,and let it go.

    A commenter mentioned that in south America the situation would he different, and its true, I’ve heard ny neighbors fuck too, just not being yelled at. Guess people assumed i love in this huge apartment complex in the middle of the city with kids and old ladies when reality is just a lot different and i lacked to add more context showing otherwise. Understandable, I apologize.

    Lesson learnt. I’ll bite a pillow next time, or something. Its not like I haven’t had sex here before without being so loud. .. Just gotta be careful once more, and if it happens again, not overthink it afterwards like i did when i posted this lol.

    I appreciate the people comforting and to the ones calling me inconsiderate, I understand where you come from and I’ll be more thoughtful next time.

  13. LMAO Just be considerate to those around you. Understand that you live in an apartment complex with alot of other people who are closely impacted to you. Put yourself in their position and how you would feel. Dont be embarrassed because you are having sex, you’re an adult. However!!!!! Learn some restrain especially late at night out of respect for your neighbors. I mean seriously whats your landlord going to say? I got a noise complaint because you were fucking too loud? lol. Now if this is happening all the time, then you need to learn to control yourself. When I was a wee 21 yr old girl, i dated a guy who lived in a 2 family house. His mother lived upstairs. I loved this woman, I loved his whole family. One night I was there and I was loud!!!! She heard me, laughed, and said if I couldnt be quiet, I need to bite on something lol

  14. For some reason many people equate good sex with being loud, but I’d debate that the sex can be just as good or even better when you are trying to stay quiet. Have a lip-biting fun time!

  15. The only reason your neighbours would actually be mad at you is if it happened every day and it was at times when their children would hear. If it was a one off and at night then they won’t care at all. Hearing people having sex is funny, horny and shocking, but not annoying.

  16. I’d be annoyed too. It’s midnight, people have jobs.

    No point in getting worked up over it though, just chill out and be more respectful moving forward.

  17. This happened one time with my wife and I when we still lived in an apartment. The single guy (recently divorced, mid 50s) knocked on the wall after about 25 minutes.

    We were mortified, but we were being really loud AND the bed was banging the wall so we were are at fault.

    I worked up the balls to go get a case of beer and a good cigar I knew he liked and took it over to him, and paired it with a vague apology for the disturbance. He actually chuckled and accepted the apology and followed it with a “I wouldn’t have done it, but I needed some sleep and I wasn’t sure when y’all would stop”

    Perhaps a light apology and a gift?

  18. I think this qualifies as one of the only times I can tell you this without breaking the sub rules:

    Doesn’t matter, had (great) sex.

  19. When I was younger I was watching YouTube on my computer, with headphones on, and I heard screaming. I took them off and looked in my window if something was happening. My bedroom windows faced my neighbor’s inner patio, that had a glass door to their living room. I accidentally saw them fuck over a table and went back to my business.

    If a 12 y/o kid got it, any adult should too. It’s natural and as long it isn’t annoyingly frequent it isn’t the end of the world

  20. i dont know if yall are kinky or not, but some kind of gag could be helpful, not to mention hot as hell

  21. Wink and smile at all your neighbors next time you see them!
    Nothing to be ashamed of. They are probably jealous.

  22. You think that’s bad?

    I was giving him a BJ. Thought we were quiet. Next morning when he left for work, my son sticks his head out the window and yells to him “stop fucking my mom so loudly !!!””

    We were in the mountains . All the neighbors for the mile heard lol

  23. Love the humblebrag on the great sex! 😝 But seriously, good for you two! I know it’s awkward now, but it’ll pass. And it would be really creepy (and inappropriate) for the landlord to say anything

  24. Honestly, I love hearing people have sex from time to time, just like I love hearing people sing in the shower or kids play in the street. It’s life, it’s nice. People like me don’t wander round telling their neighbours how much they love this stuff, sadly we only hear from the noise sensitive people when they are cranky but that’s not how everyone feels

  25. Man this reminds me of our loud roomate… she used to get high and masterbate loudly, even dirt talked herself sometimes, and our rooms were very close in a old house… anyways after a few nights repeating sessions the wife wanted revenge .. so the wife and I went shot for shot with tequila and went full pornstar in our room when we knew she was in hers… I mean we were nasty.. loud, very explaining everything we were doing… God it was good sex… it must have worked cause we really didn’t hear her anymore

  26. If ever brought up make a joke and laugh it off, I’m sure it’s nothing they haven’t done as embarrassed as you may feel it’s really not that big of a deal. Try to use the is what it is mentality. It’s done, and over with not much you can do so just go with it.

  27. my aunty has a young child and one Saturday night she heard her neighbours upstairs drinking wine and playing d&d. They gradually began roleplaying in bed aloud. She was screaming and moaning. Their window was open the entire night. She was so mad, she taped a note on the door saying that the whole complex could hear. Eventually she felt bad and later removed it. Come to find out a few days later: they met in the stairwell, she found out her neighbour had a disability and felt better talking to her about it instead of her decision to embarrass her with the note.💀💀💀

  28. OP, I hope you see this but for the record a ball gag doesn’t help! It literally keeps your mouth open so unless it’s an absolutely solid sealed fit, you’ll probably make even more noise! Just have your partner put his hand over your mouth or do it yourself if you’re getting noisy. It works better and it’s kinda hot. Lol.

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