Hi, I’ve been at it two days in a row now. It has been amazing! But I am not sure if it is a good idea to go for a third day.

The reason I am unsure is because I am very sore today, and have felt a mild aching pain at times. Twice during the day, I have felt a stinging pain, but only for a few seconds. Mostly it has felt good, but sore.

Does my rectum need some time to rest before going for another round? Is it a good idea to keep going even if I am still sore?

I’ve been using but plugs to widen it up, for around 30-60 minutes and then I go for the big guy, the 3.7cm wide dildo. My best friend 🙂 And I can go hard, as it is very enjoyable. I push the limits of pain very far, but not over the line to where I can feel any strong sensations of pain. It is mostly enjoyable, but at times sore even during the play. I also use weed during, so I am not sure if I can trust my senses with regards to the pain. My mind registers pain during the play, but it is not painful, the pain is enjoyable.

I apreciate any advice on the subject, as I am relatively new at this. I’m a guy btw, if it makes any difference 🙂

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