Do you believe the U.S. Navy might stand a chance at vanquishing the Russian Navy if it came to it?

  1. Yes of course. We could destroy it in an instant. They have one aircraft carrier, we have 11.

  2. Russia’s navy can’t even handle the Ukrainian land forces firing at their navy, much less the world’s best. If we’re unfortunate enough to go to war with Russia, they will understand why our healthcare isn’t free.

  3. The US Navy would vanquish the Navy of every nation on earth combined and probably if you multiplied them by 2.

    Take a look at the tonnage. Not to mention we have subs that are impossible to detect with any existing technology.

  4. The Russian Navy is in general disrepair.

    We have no reason to fight with them right now. The Cold War ended over 30 years ago. Stop trying to restart it.

  5. [US Navy Fleet](

    * Aircraft carrier – 11
    * Amphibious assault ship – 9
    * Amphibious command ship – 2
    * Amphibious transport dock – 12
    * Attack submarine – 50
    * Ballistic missile submarine – 14
    * Classic frigate – 1
    * Cruiser – 17
    * Destroyer – 72
    * Dock landing ship – 10
    * Expeditionary mobile base – 3
    * Guided missile submarine – 4
    * Littoral combat ship – 22
    * Mine countermeasures ship – 8
    * Patrol boat – 5
    * Submarine tender – 2
    * Technical research ship – 1

    Add in the aircraft, we’ve got about 560 F/A-18s ready to go. Hundreds of other options.

    We wouldn’t send the Navy out there alone, the Air Force would contribute.

    * Fighters – 1500+
    * Bombers – 152
    * Close Air Support – 300+
    * Helicopters – 200+
    * Transports – nearly 700
    * Special mission – 250

    The Marine Corps has over 1200 aircraft.

    Current Russian fleet:

    * 1 aircraft carrier
    * 2 battlecruisers
    * 2 cruisers
    * 10 destroyers
    * 11 frigates
    * 80 corvettes
    * 11 landing ship tanks
    * 60 landing craft
    * 18 special-purpose ships
    * 4 patrol ships
    * 56 patrol boats
    * 45 mine countermeasures vessels
    * 8 special-purpose submarines
    * 47 active ballistic missile/cruise missile and attack submarines[6]

    The US is the arguably the best trained force in the world (especially at scale), has the most advanced technology, and would have every ally in the western world. This exercise would last a day or two with most of that time being occupied by Russian seamen surrendering.

  6. Im pretty sure I read somewhere that the U.S. Navy has the second or third largest Air Force in the world, so I think we’ll be ok.

  7. There are two things that scare people about Russia: 1. their nukes 2. the people in charge of their nukes. Otherwise, their military is no longer intimidating.

  8. Doesn’t Russia’s only aircraft carrier consistently catch on fire? We’d probably mop the floor with them with one or two carrier strike groups.

  9. It wouldn’t even be close. The Coast Guard could probably take the Russian Navy. Hell, I wouldn’t be too shocked if the MD DNR Police (they patrol the Potomac and Chesapeake) managed it. If you asked about China, maybe we could have a serious talk about the capabilities of the US Navy and why the US is so dominant at sea, but Russia has been losing a naval campaign against a nation that doesn’t have a navy. They aren’t even remotely close to being read to take on the US Navy.

  10. Absolutely we would. But if we were to get into a naval battle, the nukes would start flying soon afterwards and no one would come out alive.

  11. “Might stand a chance at vanquishing the Russian navy”

    lol, lmao

    They wouldn’t even get within weapons range, the Russian navy has always been a joke.

  12. The US Navy’s capabilities are so far above the rest of the world that we could sink the entire Russian navy in 24 hours if we really wanted to

  13. The most difficult part would be rescuing the hundreds of stranded Russian sailors on life rafts.

  14. Just to put it into reference for people the United States military doctrine is to be able to fight and win a major war in Europe while at the same time fight and win a major war in Asia. That’s the level the military is aiming for with its spending. No country on earth is anywhere close to that

  15. I say this as a Brit. The US Navy alone could probably defeat the next 20 largest/most well equipped navies.

    I can’t speak for all of Nato, but as I understand the reason that the UK has fallen down in recent years militarily is because any projected or prospective conflict that the UK is likely to be involved in will also involve the US, so we could rely on their intelligence and logistics.

    This isn’t to say that other militaries and more specifically navies around the world aren’t capable because they certainly are, but the sheer size of the US navy is astounding. The entire US marine core at around 180k personnel is larger than the entire British military at around 150k, the Italian military at around 165k, and comparable in size to the German military at around 180k and only slightly smaller than the French military at around 240k.

    Even excluding manpower, the US has 290 deployable ships compared to the British Royal Navy which has 70. The reason I’ve used Britain as an example is because it is historically one of, if not the go to naval power when understanding what Navies should be able to do.
    In fact, even the US coast guard is larger than a lot of navies from around the world.

    US navy wins

  16. This question is a joke, right?

    The US Navy is multiple times larger and more up to date than the Russian Navy. Plus.. we have legitimate allies to allow for closer fleet basing.

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