So I asked a coworker on a date the other day for next week when we are both free. She agreed. She seemed very enthusiastic about it and overall gave me some positive signals. She is usually very talkative and friendly with most of our coworkers. With me, she doesn’t make much of an effort to talk to me at work or reply to my texts. I’ve tried texting her on more than one occasion and she would reply once or twice (non-dead-end responses) then not reply at all or maybe reply a day or two later. Basically, the only time we ever do have a conversation is when I go to her at work and just try to make a conversation happen. If I don’t do that then she would just walk right past me like I don’t exist (which has happened when she saw me in our company’s break room and at my desk on multiple occasions). We basically only ever talk if I initiate it in person.

I did, however, talk to her briefly today and she said she was looking forward to getting food with me on Friday so there’s that.


Perhaps I am overthinking this and being insecure about it since I haven’t been on a date since the pre-covid era. Would be nice to get an outside opinion on this.

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