What would you reward yourself with if money were not a factor?

  1. Solo vacations. I love my family but alone time has been nonexistent for many years. And shiny trinkets. Faberge brooches, in particular the spiders and bugs.

  2. A month or two off of work to study for my next professional certification and to go to gym every day to focus on building strength and fitness.

    Time to take a vacation and go home to see my parents and siblings without distractions. I went home to visit last year for the first time in 4 years and it was all so busy, I had very little quality time with them.

  3. Acupuncture and cupping. I found a wonderful therapist who does it really well, it’s so relaxing, the cupping part feels like a good massage and I miss having needles on my feet, I highly recommend it!

  4. Houses, condos, vehicles, surgeries, therapy, retirement, drivers,butlers, cleaning ladies.

  5. Horseback riding lessons
    Days off
    Cleaning lady
    High quality new clothes

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