What is your go to party trick?

  1. I can fold my ears in and they stay like that until I smile and they pop out.

    The ladies love it lol

  2. I smoke a culrbra and if anyone says anything I tell them it isn’t the only thing that curves to the right

  3. Hacking into a multi billion dollar organization and everyone here go nuts, walking outside grabbing some booze and vaping play some video games.

  4. I have a few:

    1. Torching creme brûlée on site

    2. Headstands

    3. Show up with freshly baked croissants

  5. I can make noise with my eyes and my toes are really strong and i have near perfect ballance so i can do 3 things at once

  6. A story always helps to make people think ur interesting. Get real specific and someone might ask for more
    An example:
    “So you guys wanna hear about how I illegally shoveled snow 5 past midnight in -5 degrees F so I can buy liquor under the radar of my parents?”

  7. If I’m tipsy and there are other drunk people around and someone pulls out a deck of cards then I’m game for a couple quick and easy magic tricks. Some girls really love it, especially if you can do some of the fancy card flourishes. But I haven’t practiced in a while

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