Typically, what members do you think constitute a family? Like what does the word family mean to men?

  1. It’s not always people who are related to you by blood. A lot of anime/video games show how that can be true. Right now my gf’s lady friends have basically “adopted” me, they fuss over me and are overprotective af.

  2. Depends which family we’re talking about. the people that are family and my family. 2 completely different groups of people.

    Wife, kids, me= my family
    Mom, siblings, grandparents, etc= are family

  3. I have two and I’m torn between them:

    1. Biological man and biological woman together with their biological child(ren).

    2. Related by blood.

  4. Well, if it’s our personal definitions then family is the group of strangers you’re obligated to feel attachments to even if you’re not in each other’s lives or your interactions are inherently negative. But I didn’t/don’t have the best relationship with my family, so I’m almost certainly in the minority.

  5. It depends on the person we are talking about.

    Familie like my blood siblings, mother, grandmother and father, are people who have seen me on the low and high, they have been there to support me.

    Friends familie, this one is kinda iffy cause it only includes 2 people that i would move mountains to help if they ask me about it.

    Partner familie – the person who can hurt you the most, but also the person you dont want to hurt.
    You want to be there safety and want them to be yours.

    Out of those 3 the one that might change if you are having major issues is number 3, be that because she feel out of love, she has a stoic nature or for any -olic, be that workaholic, alcoholism.

    So what does familie mean ?
    It would depend on who you are talking about.

  6. One man and one woman united in marriage with their children (biological or adopted) constitute a family, and those who are related to them by blood or marriage constitute extended family. That’s the definition I go by.

  7. Family means bond, not blood.

    It’s the people with whom you share a connection of mutual loyalty and support, regardless of shared genetics.

  8. People who are firmly committed to being a highly meaningful part of each other’s lives and who (ideally) take deep responsibility for each other’s well being. Usually some of the people are related by blood, and usually they are multigenerational. Sex and gender are irrelevant.

  9. You, your partner, your kids -nuclear family

    Your parents, their siblings, your siblings – extended family

  10. People who are related to you by blood or marriage.

    Particularly the nuclear family of father, mother and children.

  11. Family to me is whoever loves you and cares for you and supports you and is non-toxic ’til the bitter end. Blood for Blood to hell and back over mountains and valleys no matter what.

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