I was talking to this girl I met while playing tennis, and we had a great conversation. Then she asked me what I’m studying at school, I say CS, and she got noticeably disappointed. I asked her what’s up and she said she prefer men in other fields like business.

Is that true? Can any woman chime in? CS degrees have great job prospects and very high salary compared to other fields, so why does she dislike it?

I assume cause of the nerdy stereotypes associated with computers?

  1. Tell her a lot of graduates earn upwards of 60k in a graduate position, they usually change their tune then.

  2. I went on a date with a man who has been working on his two highly successful tech companies since he was in his early 20s and now he has a lot to show for it, it’s not even about the attractiveness of success – I find people studying things that are deemed “nerdy” to be so much more interesting to talk too, not to mention it’s not brain numbing pointless conversation, you actually learn things and have fascinating conversations about topics that you may not have even considered being into.

  3. This girl was shallow as hell. She doesn’t even grasp how much a CS graduate can do lol.

    I am a guy, but if a woman works on a more nerdy field I see it as attractive, interesting and genuine. Plain people want to stay with plain people I guess.

  4. >I assume cause of the nerdy stereotypes associated with computers?

    At least you were talking to a girl you met playing tennis. That is not something 99.9% of comp science students could say.

  5. As a comp sci degree & job-holder… yes tbh. I know it’s not true for every guy, but the majority of guys I’ve met in this field have little to no respect for women and this makes it easy to form a kind of bad opinion of the field as a whole…

    That being said, judging anyone by their career on the first meeting isn’t fair! But comp sci has a pretty bad rep in the dating world.

  6. She „wanted“ someone in business it seems. Im assuming here, probably because she thinks people in that area have a lot of money. She seems to be more interested in your wallet than you. Find someone else.

    The girls i know, for them its more important that you have a „good“ job. Meaning you can take care of yourself is more important. But thats only my view.

  7. How’s her Gender Studies coming along? Did she have any non Starbucks jobs lined up yet?

  8. I know guys who don’t even fit the nerdy stereotype and into computer science. 30+ years ago the field might have been one where only very needy people gravitated to it. But today it’s like anything else. Compsci people usually make reasonable money when they graduate also

  9. The complete opposite – CS majors were a turn on for me. 80% of the men I chatted with in Tinder ended up being IT consultants.

  10. For me yes but only because I knew a lot of of computer science guys when I did my bio degree and they were all douchebags so it’s ingrained deep into mind lol. But no. In general it shouldn’t be.

  11. What a superficial Human being. I am a woman and I (for the most part) don‘t care what someone does for work. As long as he likes what he does or is enthusiastic about other areas of his Life. Tells a lot about her character.

  12. She’s an idiot. Hi tech is where its at. There are so many jobs in IT, QA, engineering, etc. It’s a highly dependable field. Stick with it

  13. Interesting. I wonder if I have been stereotyped this way without knowing?!
    Oh well…*wiping my tears with my 400k salary*

  14. I think she’s just pulling your balls bc that’s such a weird thing to be concerned about

  15. Sounds like a money thing. She must not know what a CS degree can do for you. It’s way better than a Business degree in my opinion. If someone said they have or are studying CS. I am going to automatically assume they’re smart, and dedicated.

  16. More of a red flag for the person that they’re searching for a meal ticket more than a partner

  17. I thought tech bros were super popular cuz they make bank. Unless you’re like a director or VP you’re not making much in finance.

  18. Business is what people go into when they don’t know what they want to do. An MBA might get you somewhere, but people with MBAs typically get that after they start their careers, often at the expense of the company.

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