I was watching a podcast earlier of a young, 20-something year old influencer and I noticed that he would constantly downplay his own intelligence by ending sentences with “I don’t know” or “ummm”. It was super frustrating to watch and it made me realize that I do these things ALL THE TIME!

How do you speak with more confidence? What words do you avoid? Would love to hear some tips!

  1. Speak directly and in a concise, clear way. Try to not use filler words “um, uh, like” etc. and just take a pause when you need it.

  2. I think it starts with mindset. Remember when you’re speaking, your intention is to communicate something you want to be heard. So always speak with that in mind – speak with conviction.

    As for some things you can practice:

    -Practice pausing instead of “um” when thinking of what to say next

    -Think about why you say “I don’t know” and replace with a more appropriate phrase.

    For example, if you’re saying it because what you’re saying was just your opinion and “I don’t know” is your way of expressing that then just replace it with a different phrase like “but I’m no expert” or “but that’s just my two cents”

  3. Being confident is helpful. I would work on gaining confidence. A number of ways to do it. Low confidence could potentially come from low testosterone if you’re a dude.

    Also, having a reason for confidence helps. Confidence must be earned and deserved. If you have no skills, tou will lack confidence, but having skills, good looks,(both of whi h can be improved dramatically) etc, can help a lot.

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