So I 23f have kind of a giant crush on my coworker 24m and idk what to do about it. I generally am the kind of person who’s against dating coworkers, I hate drama and I especially hate when I’m involved in said drama.

Here’s the thing. He is just about the sweetest person I’ve ever met though. We also both have ADHD, and if you’ve got it you understand why having a partner with it is just absolutely ideal. He’s really smart, an artist, excellent music taste, we share political views. I’m quite infatuated if that is not clear lol.

And so. I don’t know what to do. I like him a lot… But we work together! Should I go for it anyway? Or listen to my brain and not?

Tldr, is dating a coworker really as bad an idea as everyone says it is?

  1. In what capacity do you work together? Generally speaking, you shouldn’t date coworkers, what if it goes south? Maybe you can be good friends and try dating when one of you finds a new workplace? That is, if he is as interested as you are.

  2. How closely do you work together? What kind of work is it? Is it a temporary job or a long term career option? How awkward would it be to continue there if things didn’t work out?

    I think those are the kind of questions you need to think about. People say not to date coworkers because it gets messy if things don’t work out between the two of you. But at the same time plenty of people fell in love at work and its not a huge deal.

    Personally, I dated a coworker once. We dated for several months but it didn’t work out and we ended things amicably. It was a little awkward for a while after we broke up, but we were both mature about it and eventually it passed.

  3. I say shoot your shot. I mean, theres a gigantic chance one or both of you goes off to work elsewhere someday and thus you won’t even be co-workers anymore. Ask him out.

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