what would you think if someone rejected you because of your weight?

  1. I wouldn’t really mind that much because it’s something I can actually change. What would hurt is if she rejected me for physical stuff that I can’t actually change. Like height. Now that goes for the heart 😭

  2. Alright cool.
    Everyone has their types.
    I would reject some women aswell due to their weight there’s nothing wrong about it unless you’re acting like a cunt towards it

  3. Seems perfectly fair statement to me, assuming this is some new person I have just met. If I decide to become a fat slob then that’s my fault. If it’s something ultra specific like me having a shredded six pack, going down to four abs and them suddenly breaking up with me, then that’s pretty absurd on their part.

  4. I have been rejected as a teen because i was a gamer with ehm… a spesific appetite for baked goods.
    So for sure it hurts, but you understand why it is that you are not attractive.

    I think it was a year ago or so i was rejected for not having abs 😂 i laughed at that one, cause honestly going down to that % is not for me.

  5. That’s fair enough. Just don’t be a dick about it. The 200lbs (quick math) half Latino experience isn’t for everyone. Though i am trying to lose a little weight.

  6. Depends on what they rejected me for, and what my weight is.

    If we were considering a physical/sexual relationship, fair enough. We all have our preferences.

    If we were considering a steady romantic relationship, and I was slightly overweight, I would find them shallow. But still, fair enough, you’re allowed to be shallow.

    If we were considering a steady romantic relationship and I was morbidly obese, fair enough. Having a relationship with someone who’s sick is difficult, and not suitable for everyone.

  7. It’s their preference. But they are being a bully about that, that shit hurts man.
    We all have preferences and we shouldn’t be a dick about it when you are rejecting someone.

  8. Fine by me. I wouldn’t date big chungus either, but I’d also be well aware that I was a fat bastard by that point and accept that it was my own choices that got me there.

  9. I could stand to put on a few pounds🤔

    If you’re not willing to lose weight (within reason) to attack other people, you get what you get.

    Most people are not physically ~~attacked~~ attracted to fat people.

    That’s how it is.

  10. That is fair, unless it is a long term relationship, where she did not give any warning before hand.

  11. Probably right. I gotta get to the gym. Aint obese, but do feel like I gained at least 10 pounds…caused by depression after losing my dream job

  12. Look, I’m quite large fella myself. If a woman doesn’t want to be with me because of that, I don’t blame her. As far as being overweight goes, it usually comes in a bundle with low confidence and lower self esteem because it is something that is scorned in our society, and rightly so if you ask me. And not being at your best mentally is bigger problem than being overweight per se. It’s much more complicated than just weight, but I believe everyone can agree – if you are fit, you have much better chances in general.

  13. Thank her for being a good sport by letting me sit on her lap before waddling off into the sunset.

  14. I understood why. Then changed it. I was really fat in my pre teen years. Then fit for a long time, then got depressed and stuff after my sports career was done and got fat again. Managed to get myself out of it and back to a healthier better looking weight. There’s a lot of valid reasons not to date someone too fat or too skinny, in my opinion. Health and preferred looks being the major reasons. But also how much they affect other parts of life as well. Anorexic or obese people at least far enough from normal weight tend to have different energy levels, attitudes and behaviors compared to people in the average side. When I’m at a healthy weight I tend to want to live a life that many not fitting that description simply don’t or can’t.

  15. ask yourself if you’d date someone if they were skinny or fat, sometimes personality helps a lot, but so does appearance, some would worry and be thinking dam would my parents and friends approve but then you just dating the wrong person to begin with. (I’d work on myself though and get someone better who deserves me),,, but be careful when you do work on yourself and see all this random ass attention and get with someone who really supports you with your ideas and hobbies

  16. I would rant about it on twitter calling her a fatphobic bigot enforcing impossible stereotypes.

    Nah just kidding, I’m a man, I ain’t got the privilege to complain. I’d just bottle it up and move on.

  17. “Fair enough. I’m not going to shame you into being with someone you’re not attracted to.”

  18. Won’t mind but I’m concerned about my own weight and health.

    Chances of not being healthy are higher when we get fat.

    Try to lose some.

  19. I would understand because I am obese and look like shit currently. The fat boy shot is over.
    Just gonna take some time.

  20. Ahhh see, I’d never put myself out there for this to happen in the first place.

  21. Next. As men we get rejected, often and usually for stupid reasons. We learn to move on.

  22. If you are a man, you are used to being rejected for all sorts of reasons. In baseball, failing 7 times out of 10 for a long, long time is good enough to get you into the hall of fame. Being a man is like playing baseball; even the most successful strike out far more often than they succeed.

  23. I would think that they rejected me because of my weight. What is there to think over? Do you think they’re lying to you and rejected you because of something else?

  24. Probably that they aren’t into chubby dudes then get on with my life without a second thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  25. I would think that they found me unattractive due to my weight.

    Completely understandable. I wouldn’t want to date someone i don’t find unattractive either.

  26. Keto and IF, helped me loose 50 lbs in really only a couple of months, but the best part if you do it right you’re not hungry.

  27. Perfectly fine

    I know I’m considered too thin for alot of women. I also reject women who don’t fit my standards for weight

  28. I’d respect their decision. As I am also not attracted to fat guys. Or guys in general. Regardless of what those jerks on COD team voice will have you believe!

  29. I would be glad they didn’t see all the other shitty parts of me and only saw my weight lmao

  30. I’d consider it a valid reason for rejection. If I can’t take care of myself; how can she be confident that I’ll take care of her?

    Been there.

  31. Well. If that’s the sole reason.. get to work. Not for the sake of the partner who rejected me, but for the future endeavors.

  32. Well i would say it’s her loss because I’m training and working to be a better me,.

    Work on yourselves kings and queens,
    A month ago I used to weigh like 140kg,
    Two days ago I got to 116 kg,
    You can do it ❤️

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