Last night I was making out with this girl i’ve been talking to for awhile now and we started to get more and more intimate. I thought i was hard the whole time but when i put my protection i just went limp. i am 21 and this was so embarrassing i didn’t even know how to react i had a naked girl in front of me and i couldn’t even do anything. i was just in shock the rest of night i couldn’t believe it. i’m so scared to even try again. should i get some viagra or something? the thought of a 21 year old having to buy viagra is also embarrassing.

  1. Don’t be embarrassed.
    Were you just tired? Stressed?

    Nervous? That would do it definitely.

    I’d ask a doctor if this is a common occurrence.

  2. Make sure your condoms are the correct size for you. An overly tight condom can kill an erection.

  3. Practice putting condoms on.Anything that requires too much concentration can cause a sudden loss of erection . Sometimes going to a new position or a position thats hard to get into can cause it. The key is don’t panic and don’t get embarrassed. Its perfectly normal , your erection will come back. Just keep making out and have fun. Hell even turn it into a game. Sex is meant to be fun and pleasurable, not high pressure and too serious.

  4. Nerves.

    Be very clear here. Any woman worth her salt will know its nerves and act accordingly. If not, don’t have sex with her.

    You also need to acknowledge that you will never fully be in control of whether your penis decides to stay up or down and make sure that sex doesn’t end/not happen because you’ve no erection.

    Every sexual first situation I’ve been in, the man has not been able to maintain an erection. Nerves and overthinking is the cause.

    You will be fine but if you let it get in your head as a thing to place value on you or your masculinity (or let others do it despite how common it is) then that’s a bigger problem.

    Sex is so much more than PIV. If your dick doesn’t play ball. Explore every other part of each others bodies.

    Good Luck OP

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