I’ve gotten a lot better at socializing. That being said I still have this issue where I basically just shut down. My throat will tighten and half the time I’ll be on the edge of tears and don’t know what to do about it. Example today I had P.E and we basically had a free class so kids were doing whatever. I don’t have any friends so I was sitting alone some girl walked up to me and asked if I was okay; I’m not sure why but the throat tightness and almost crying thing happens so I just shook my head yes. She then asked if I wanted to join her in playing and I really wanted to say yes but couldn’t. I could’ve nodded but, then she would’ve talked to me more e.g asked where I’m from and normal basic Convo and I wouldn’t of been able to do that so I had to decline.

This has become a huge issue for me. I’ve basically been home and not been in school for 3 years and this is my first year since then back in the world. My first semester I simply didn’t speak to anyone but, my classes this semester are a lot more social. P.E for example this is actually the second time someone’s come up to me offering to play/talk first time I was actually okay so I’m not sure why I shut down the second time. It feels random so I don’t know what to do. Im trying to make friends and finally am getting the opportunity but I completely shut down. Any advice? I don’t know what to do about it and it’s a huge issue for me.

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