I was talking to this girl for only around three days and decided to ask her if I could hangout with her. She was with a friend at a sonic 40 minutes away. I decided to make the drive.

She was sending me snaps of the location as I was driving there to show she was still there….and when I got there she said she was parked out back and what car she was in.

I pulled up and the car drove away, circled back, and came up to my car. They rolled down the window and I said hi, and they said they were “afraid” for no apparent reason. they drove off again and this time left the parking lot.

I texted them, asking if I really drove 40 minutes for this to happen and they said to meet them at the gas station down the road. I pulled up, pumped some gas, and walked over to their cat. She was hiding her face for some reason, but it was definitely the girl, and they said she was scared and I should go home.

On the way home I saw she was live streaming on the app I met her on “MeetMe” turns out she live streamed the whole thing and told her audience of at least 100 people that I was some creepy weirdo and almost killed her when no such thing happened.

I’m hella embarrassed and don’t really understand why someone would do that to another human being.

I guess this is a warning to not trust anyone offline. This situation really has hurt my self esteem.

  1. Save any texts that show the meeting was consensual and planned, also put her on blast, those are serious accusations.

  2. I would save any messages and make a complaint to the app.
    She is obviously an immature idiot who did it for attention.

  3. Go to a lawyer. Get a letter telling her to retract and admit to lying or you will SUE the everloving shit out of her for defamation.

    Edit to add: if you can record that video she did, do so and keep it so she can’t delete it and plead innocent. And don’t warn her your talking to a lawyer. Just do it.

  4. So you met them online and have no idea who they truly are and got surprised that they turned out a weirdo. Also who meets anyone from online in a secluded area. First meeting always in public.

  5. Please tell me you didn’t message over snap chat where the chat disappears and you have no proof?

  6. >On the way home I saw she was live streaming on the app I met her on “MeetMe” turns out she live streamed the whole thing and told her audience of at least 100 people

    Wait, this is a dating app with a streaming function?

  7. Hi!

    I’m really sorry that happened to you. I want you to know that I don’t believe you did anything wrong.

    You weren’t sure why someone would do that to another human being, so I am going to try to help you understand by taking a guess.

    While I do not know the streamer in question, I know that human beings come from parents, from family. This person acted cruelly to you. Furthermore, they used interpersonal violence against you as means of achieving their personal ends.

    There are three distinct possibilities that I see here. Either this person was born into a family where that was the acceptable norm, or they were simply born with a predisposition towards that behaviour, or both. Basically, maybe their parents were cruel, or they were born cruel, or both.

    I am really sorry that you had to deal with that – that really sucks. I would like to say that I appreciate you trying to warn others about this and keep them safe from what happened to you. To me that tells me that you are a considerate human being, that you are good, and I am really happy to see that. Please don’t stop being a kind and considerate human being, that is awesome 🙂

    I am really sorry that this have hurt your self esteem. I want you to know that for various reasons that would take way too long to unpack here, the world is messed up and that’s not your fault. And because the world is messed up, there are a lot of folks doing messed up things to other folks, and that’s not your fault.

    What happened to you isn’t a reflection on you. To me it sounds like you are a trusting, decent individual. Unfortunately a lot of people will take advantage of that, they will abuse these qualities for personal gain, whether it’s for views on a stream channel or just plain amusement. I cannot tell you what to do, but I would like to please request to be very careful and try to figure out whether other people have bad intentions toward you, if you can. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, like this incident, or worse, just because there are some bad folks out there.

    It’s really unfortunate, yes, but there are bad folks out there and currently no one is stopping them. So I would please ask, be careful, be wary, be vigilant, as much as you can, to protect yourself.

    Some people will tell you that perhaps you are gullible or that you’re naive, plain stupid, whatever, and that it’s your fault etc.

    I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you as you are. You are what you are. If you’re trusting, you’re trusting. Yes, try to practice more caution in the future if you can, but I am aware that you can’t just snap your fingers lickety split and be someone else. You’re trusting, and that’s okay – you haven’t done anything wrong. That’s just your quality, and we can’t change our core qualities. We have to live with them.

    This person – misleading you, exposing you to her followers for views, making you out to look like a bad, weird, crazy, whatever person, they are in the wrong here. They did the bad thing. They’re in the wrong. I think you’re fine. I don’t think you did anything wrong.

    I am sorry that you were mistreated. That wasn’t right. I am not blaming you at all, but I do ask that you try to be more careful, that could have went even worse if you ran into folks who were even more evil minded than this one. Bad, evil people with bad evil intentions exist and I would ask you to be aware of that, to keep that in mind. Not everyone is good. Not everyone wants what is good for you. On the furthermost extreme, there are people who would kidnap, torture, and kill you. Especially if you meet them alone in a dark parking lot at night. On less extreme, they’ll try to make you look bad on a stream so that they would get more views.

    Take care, please try to be more careful and keep in mind that I don’t think you did anything wrong, okay? Take care now 🙂

  8. She just did for the views and you were sadly the person she fell upon first and convinced. I’m sorry this happened to you it’s very bad luck and humiliating. Just try to get out there again and have a positive experience

  9. what advice are you looking for? i’m sorry you had this experience as you deserve better, but i’m not sure this was the right forum for that.

  10. You just got played. Be thankful it wasn’t worse than a game. I’m glad you didn’t send money.

    Keep in mind the 3 golden rules in the world with minimal trust with a man dating girls:

    1. If you didn’t meet her face to face the first time out, she probably doesn’t exist.
    2. Make the girl yearn for you. Don’t come running like a dog to the meat, instead wait and see why she wants to meet you.
    3. Send bantering texts. Before meeting her the first time, test her with some ‘friendly argument’. Example pretend you disagree with something: Dog /cat banter: “What kind of person are you, a cat or dog person?” She replies “Oh! Definitely dogs!” then say like this “Oh I could never be with you I’m so a cat person.” Then wait… After 5-6 minutes she’ll come running to you.

    Try 1-3 and you’ll win her love.

  11. Now you post a vid saying how stupid and dangerous her actions are. Show receipts and that ppl like her will do anything for attention and should be punished for making shit up.

    Somebody could believe her and put you in a bad situation because she needed to feel important by having a stalker.

  12. Sorry this happened but it’s not your fault. Seems like she’s the one with a serious problem. Throw the book at her.

  13. Save the video and the texts. If your face is shown go to a lawyer and ask what can you do. This can come bite you in the ass.

    Ask the lawyer to draft a letter to her so that she makes a public apology and explains it was a prank or you’ll sue her.

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