How many bottles of conditioner do you use for every bottle of shampoo used?

  1. I go through about 3.5 – 4 bottles of conditioner before I finish a bottle of shampoo.

  2. I usually go through 1,5-2 bottles of conditioner before I go through a bottle of shampoo.

  3. I’ll go through 3 or 4 bottles of conditioner before I finish a bottle of shampoo, BUT I always keep 2 different kinds of conditioner for this reason.

    I use a super cheap conditioner to detangle my hair, I this one the most so I get the cheapest since it’s just for detangling. I use a thicker nicer conditioner to actually condition my hair and sit on there for a few minutes.

    I also don’t shampoo my hair every time I wash it, meaning sometimes I’ll “wash” it but really I’m just detangling it with conditioner.

  4. Same rate, since I switched to washing twice with shampoo. I always thought it was a trick to get you to use up more shampoo but it really works better for my hair!

  5. Maybe half of one. I don’t use conditioner often, but I use leave-in detangler every time I wash my hair.

  6. I’ve got fine, oily hair, so I only use about 1/2 to 2/3 of a bottle of conditioner per bottle of shampoo.

  7. I just chopped my super long hair off, it used to be a solid 2-1 and now it’s almost even 🙂

  8. I’m like a 1:1 ration now that I’ve learned to only shampoo my roots and condition my ends

  9. I seem to be a bit different to everyone else. I go through more shampoo than conditioner. I go through 2 bottles of shampoo with 1 bottle of conditioner haha… I don’t like putting too much conditioner in my hair otherwise it goes oily quickly.

  10. I use thinner consistency condition so I have about half or even less left after using up the shampoo.

  11. I use shampoo and conditioner 3:1 my conditioner comes in a way bigger bottle than my shampoo.

  12. I use them at the same rate. You really dont need to use a lot of either. And i have long fine hair but a shit ton of it.

  13. 0 My hair is very curly and fine so all I need is a product that enhances the curls and makes the combing easy. I like to cut it every 3 months, so no split ends.

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