What’s the kindest, yet equally irritating thing your partner does? First-world problems welcome πŸ˜€

  1. If I’m going somewhere in a bad weather, he insists on dropping me off even though I would gladly walk. He doesn’t want me to get cold, wet, etc.

  2. I love that he holds me while we sleep but once he starts falling asleep his whole body will spasm and it scares me awake every time. I try to hold him instead.

  3. His desire to cuddle before going to sleep. I’m not a cuddle person, especially in bed. I get so hot

  4. If I go to a work christmas party and ask him to taxi me, he refuses to come back home and will hang around in town in the car until I’m ready to come home. We live about 10 miles from the city. I then can’t relax and enjoy my evening because I’m thinking of him sitting waiting in the car for me.

  5. He always checks to make sure the garage is shut and doors are locked. It doesn’t matter if I said it was done. He’s getting outta bed and double-checking.

  6. If he cooks, he asks me if it’s good/if i need anything else/if the food is missing anything 8-12 times while we’re eating. I understand that he just wants to make sure I’m enjoying my food but it’s honestly so annoying

  7. He won’t fix my car for me. He will show me how to do it and guide me every step of the way. My guy, just put the oil in my car. I don’t want you to show me where it is and how to do it

  8. I have not made my own food since this man moved in with me. He loves to cook, and he’s amazing at it. I’m more than happy with our arrangement. But, he makes my own recipes better than I do. And *that* annoys the ever-loving shit out of me. 🀣

  9. He’s overly concerned with my mental and physical health. It’s sweet that he cares, but especially on the mental side he makes me kind of self conscious sometimes.

  10. She’ll take the dishes from the table which is nice but then just stacks them next to the dishwasher. If it’s not full of clean stuff just put them in there.

  11. My husband will do a “towel wash” but takes all the towels off the radiator in the bathroom, and I won’t realise until I’m mid-shower! Very thoughtful but annoying! He doesn’t seem to realise there are clean towels in the cupboard so we don’t need to do this, we can just rotate!

  12. When my bf sees me running around cleaning the house, especially if it’s after working all day, he’ll ask me to take a break and cuddle with him cus he knows I’m stressing. It’s sweet but infuriating because if I stop, I’ll feel guilty for not doing the chores that need to be done.

  13. He will come home from night shift and clean.

    I know he’s trying to help out, but I wake up in the morning with the guilties. Sometimes I just want to relax at night and clean up after the family in the early AM.

  14. He orders more food for me when we’re eating out. Ends up being more than he can handle so I eat it all as to not throw away food, and end up bloated all night

  15. My husband likes to hold me while we fall asleep. If he falls asleep before me he’ll start snoring in my ear and it wakes me up. Love snuggling but don’t like being woken up haha

  16. Opens the car door for me! No matter what seat I’m in, he always opens the door, which is super sweet. But he also takes 5-30 seconds longer than me to ARRIVE at the car so I have to kind of awkwardly stand there so he can do his thing lol he gets so upset if I lose patience and open the door.

  17. He asks a hundred times a day how I’m doing. It’s sweet, but I am chronically ill, and I generally feel like shit. Half of the time my answer is just a noise. He can now tell what the noises mean, haha.

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