How old were you when you grew a full beard?

  1. Always had a little patchy area since 14 but didn’t get a full beard till I was 19.
    Friends dad says his didn’t come in till he was 30, so it really just boils down to genetics.
    Even if you don’t love what you have you can shape it and try to make it work.

    Even if all you can grow is a soul patch: go for it.

  2. I had an almost full beard at 20 except for these 2 tiny patches on my jawline, by 30 it’s was lumberjack full.

  3. I think I could’ve at 25 or so. Had various stages of facial hair from trash-stache to goatee. The full beard in my late 30s. Then a lady told me a good beard on a man is like a push up bra on a woman. Never less than full, well trimmed, properly cared for after that.

  4. I’ve had to shave since 7th grade. I finally let myself start growing it out after I finished high school. I just shaved off a three year beard for a job interview about a month ago.

  5. I tried to grow one when I was like 21 and it’s was patchy and I didn’t like it. Then when I was 24 I tried again and it wasn’t patchy anymore. Been bearded for 10 years now, so glad I tried again.

  6. 15. Started growing a mustache around 12 and just gradually got the full beard my sophomore year of high school.

  7. I had a goatee when I was 17 in high school (it was the 90s, they were cool). Then I was clean shaven from 18 to 24. But the day I left the army I lost my razor. I’ve had a full beard since.

  8. At five when I saw down the blouse of a friend’s mom. I had one from my high school days, I have really been rocking the Dave Grohl look for a while now.

  9. I was 15, grew a full one over the summer (the men in my family are all gorillas) and had to shave it off to stay on the football team, not that I’m bitter after 30 years. Shaved the new one off at 22 for the Marines, and have had one again for 15 years now and will always have it.

  10. I was one those kids that had. Full beard at 14, that same kid that could go buy everyone cigarettes at lunch time.. and also asked if I worked at the school.. YO use rogain on patchyness it actually works.. and die your beard salt and pepper at an early age, chicks will flock

  11. About 17. And yes. It’s an absolute pain in the ass. And also yes, I do look better with facial hair than without lol

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