In recent times, France received 2 state dinners which is the highest level of diplomatic respect given by America. While the UK hasn’t had a state dinner in a long time.

Do you feel like the special relationship is slowly waning?

  1. Have you considered that maybe the lack of state dinners is not because we’re more distant, but because we’re closer? And that such gestures aren’t necessary, because the closeness is taken for granted?

  2. Yes it is still present, they are one of our greatest Allies. The reason why the French got 2 state dinners is because our relationship has become rocky and the extravagant dinners are to sooth relations. The French and American governments have major disagreements about things like defense, tech,and spheres of influence. The reason we had those diners was to show France that we still value them as Allies. The actual dinners are mostly pointless but you can get a lot if good press from them for your administration.

  3. In my mind, France & the US courting each other is necessary *because* we’re not in each others’ inner circles & we do occasionally butt heads. We see eye to eye on almost everything, but we need to remind each other of that sometimes

    The UK/US relationship is on infinitely more solid footing

  4. I absolutely believe the UK and US still have a special relationship and I don’t see that ending or waning any time soon

  5. I mean the US UK and Australia jointly signed the AUKUS agreement in 2021. Which is the most widespread/ thorough intelligence and military alliance the US is in. This was the main reason behind why Australia dropped the French submarine contract in favor for the American Virginia class submarine. This just reinstated their closest alliance.

  6. The United Kingdom will always be one of America’s closest allies.That’s the same with any nation within the anglosphere, same cultural affinity and democratic interests. The recent AUKUS security pact is indicative of strengthening our relationship.

  7. The “special relationship” with them is deeper than just diplomatic showmanship. We share a lot of cultural and historical ties with the UK. Many of the same cultural beliefs and goals at a fundamental level. We have many alliances, treaties, and intelligence sharing pacts with them and the rest of the Anglosphere. It’s the manifestation if our continued cooperation due to similar goals and views of the world from that shared culture and history. A lack of diplomatic theater and some laymen comments on the Internet from people like us don’t mean jack in the big picture.

  8. I think diplomatic attention from the United States is the squeaky wheels getting the grease. France is the squeakier wheel. I also think the governing classes of both countries see eye to eye on a lot of things, and we’re always going to have a cultural connection through language.

  9. No, I don’t think the special relationship is waning. Our nations share deep cultural and historical bonds, and have been invaluable allies to each other in good times and bad. I think the US/UK relationship is something unique and worth cherishing.

  10. The only country with stronger diplomatic ties to the USA than Britain is Canada, which is in many ways effectively an American protectorate. The special relationship is absolutely still a thing.

  11. No. The United Kingdom is among our closest allies and will continue to be. Our relationship isn’t defined by show dinners.

  12. The UK and US have had extremely similar foreign policy since WW2 with few exceptions. Reagan and Thatcher had some disagreements, I think over the Falklands.

    French on the other hand are actively trying to build a power base of Mediterranean nations, and have some core values & interests that differ tremendously.

  13. Our relationships with France are much more thorny than our relationships with the UK. For better or worse, the US and UK are on pretty much the exact same page about nearly everything.

    I think the only closer ally we probably have than the UK is Canada.

  14. It’s still present and they’re still our closest ally but other posters are kidding themselves in saying it’s not slowly waning.

    The “special relationship” exists because of a shared cultural heritage but our cultures are quickly changing. Our demographics are very different from when that phrase was first uttered during WWII. It might upset some Redditors to acknowledge it but we did use to both be white, Christian nations and our near identical ethnic and religious backgrounds (and of course the fact that we were a literal British colony) led to similar viewpoints, lifestyles, etc. More and more Americans just don’t have that shared cultural heritage with the UK (or Europe in general). More and more Americans see our “special relationship” less about a shared cultural heritage then one of economic and military alliance but that will gradually wane as our shared cultural heritage decreases.

  15. We must be ever watchful over the monarchists. Tax me once shame on you. Tax me twice… I won’t get taxed again.

  16. State Dinners have nothing to do with the strength of the relationship. It is stronger then ever hell the New Royal Navy Aircraft carrier took aboard various USN and USMC aircraft on her last deployment and both governments have been in lockstep with support for Ukraine.

  17. The special relationship is not defined by state dinners.

    It is defined by the Trident nuclear program, and countless other military, intelligence, and diplomatic endeavors. A perfect example is the *extremely highly* coordinated response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    In other words the “special relationship” is as strong as ever, possibly even the strongest it has been since 1991.

  18. Apparently many British people don’t care much for our cooking lol, the terminally online ones anyway

  19. If America was ever in dire trouble, the UK is the only country I am 100% sure would come to our aid.

    France probably received those state dinners because its a harder relationship to maintain.

  20. Yes, but I think that special relationship is taking a stronger aura of “you’re in our sphere of influence”

  21. I feel that the British are the only country we could actually count on if needed. As we can see with the war going on in Europe right now the British are a steadfast partner for wester stability. I also think the UK doesn’t need to be pat on the head and have their ego stroked like some other countries that maybe get more state dinners.

  22. As an international trade student who recently did a semester long project on US-UK relations it very much is present at least in commerce. We’re a power couple

  23. Uh the reason why we have fewer formal events with the UK, is because the relationship is special enough to sustain without the pageantry.

  24. Given that for some reason I see more news from the UK than Canada or Mexico without actively looking for “Canadian news,” “Mexican news,” “North American news,” or “international news,” I’ll say yes.

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