Man on Reddit how often you approach women or you just focused on online dating

  1. Neither right now as my GF would be pissed. But when I was single, I would rather approach women in appropriate social situations, or have a connection with, over relying on online dating.

  2. If it is someone who I got to know personally, it is possible. Online stuff I don’t take seriously and generally avoid. I have one friend who insists that I start using it.

  3. When I was single, I mostly linked up with women through dating apps, but that was due to the specifics of my living situation.

    I worked 12 hour shifts at a hospital near Buffalo, so I really didn’t have the time, opportunity or energy to go to the trouble of meeting women in person. Despite what TV shows might imply, hospitals are a really icky place to look for dates.

    Plus, if you’re not from Buffalo and have no desire to stay in Buffalo long term… its really not the best city to find women.

    But, just over the border, the dating pool in the Golden Horseshoe of the Greater Toronto Area is one of the deepest and most exciting in North America.

    So, I quickly realized that a Buffalo woman wasn’t what I was looking for, but Match and OK Cupid opened up a whole world of dating in Ontario that otherwise would have remained just out of reach.

    Found the best wife I could have ever hopef for in Canada.

  4. After wasting my money by paying for a month on Tinder and Hinge and not getting a single date, I’ll have no choice but to try to meet women in person.

    No idea how I’m going to do it since I’m long past college and work remote.

  5. I dont approach women, I admire them from a distance because im a coward who is afraid of rejection
    Then I go home and play Sims 4. So my character can easily do what I can’t.

  6. Never anymore. Last time I tried was like 8 years ago and she was married. Tried online multiple times and only had one match who unmatched right away.

  7. I’ll never approach a woman and I don’t understand how guys still do it, especially in the hypersensitive society we live in today where one move (or look) all you’ll be labeled a creep or pervert. Now there is a trend of women trying to catch men looking in their general direction on camera in public spaces like the gym so they can falsely label them creeps. Online dating is a waste of time if you don’t look a certain way.

    You couldn’t pay me to approach a woman.

  8. Very rarely and I avoid online dating like the plague. You’ll meet people when you meet them, and I’m in no particular rush to waste time with that nonsense.

  9. I never approach women in person. 50% chance they’re not interested, and 50% chance they accuse you of being a creep then try to ruin your life.

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