What’s the biggest inconvenience in your life right now?

  1. STILL fighting for disability 7.5 yrs after a stroke that shut off a whole temporal lobe.

  2. I’m still getting my period. I’ve been getting my period since 1987. Can we please be done now, uterus? This is so fucking stupid.

  3. The size of my apartment. It’s a one bedroom. I share it with my husband and dog. We don’t even have enough room for a coffee table or dining table and chairs. I’m a teacher and have to do my work in my bed.

  4. My job cutting my hours by half while my bf is jobless AND rent around the corner AND we need food to survive AND electricity at least our water our apartment pay for.

  5. My car hasn’t arrived because of the chip shortage. It’s been 5 months 😭 a silly first world problem but still a problem

  6. pregnancy. more specifically the *CONSTANT* need to pee, im always peeing, so so so very much than before i was pregnant, i never even knew a person can urinate so much. such an inconvenience.

  7. Friends all being boring

    95% of my friends are married and barely do anything anymore, they either work work work or stay home taking care of the house, none of them have time for fun anymore

    Not only that but they all complain about how depressed and bored and sad they are

    I’m soooooooo tempted to say “Maybe getting married to the first guy you met out of college was a bad idea?” But that’d just start shit lol

  8. My roommate just got kicked out conveniently when I’m starting a new class for a new career (Which means more money out of my husband and Is pocket) 😩

  9. Some real first world shit.

    We have so many appointments and need so many therapeutic accessories for home.

    I need to coordinate transportation for our vacation without ick other people’s germs in ground transit.

  10. Having 4 weeks to move out but 2 mandatory trips out of town during that time period.

  11. Being incredibly lonely and struggling to find somebody that wants the same things that I do while dating

  12. Mine is very simple, my husband.

    He treats me like the maid and I am over it. I am blessed this is my biggest issue.

  13. Tomorrow I have to take pills to induce a miscarriage for a baby that died last week. I’d like nothing more than to not be here right now

  14. Work deadline tomorrow at midnight and I’m watching a documentary with my fiancé right now

  15. At this specific, particular instance: my cat is lying on my neck/shoulder and it’s very cozy, but I also recognize I need to get up and get ready for bed.

  16. I’m a “mature student” back in school. I have to live away from home for about 4 months, doing labs and clinical, to graduate. Annoying I have to be away from home, but I come back with a career.

  17. 1. Gender dysphoria

    2. Not knowing what career I want/what to do with my life.

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